Lake Wisconsin – Fall bite is in full swing

Seems like the fall bite on Lake Wisconsin took a while to get going this year, but it seems to be in full swing now, which is a great thing to see. Spent Friday fishing with Michael Collins (Grey Beard) and had a fairly good day but never took any pictures. We ended up with 6 keepers and a bunch of short fish.

Spent today on the water with fellow IDOers Kevin (Whiskerkev) and Jake (Chamberschamps) and had a fantastic morning. Not quite as good as Joel Ballweg who was fishing in the same general area and had a pile of slot fish, but still a really solid day. Jake was the hot stick today. To the right was his new personal best walleye at 24″, which came on a pink and purple hair jig and a minnow.

We were working the end of an old channel of the river concentrating on staying right at the base of the break or right on top of the break as that seemed to be where the better fish were holding. We continued working the same area, and Jake’s personal best lasted about 5 minutes before he topped it with a nice fat 26″ fish on that same hair jig. Unfortunately, it was the only one of that combination in the boat. He continued to put fish in the boat on that jig for most of the morning.

The bite stayed strong for most of the morning. We continued to put fish in the boat at a pretty consistent pace, with a fair amount of short fish in the mix, but keepers were mixed in at a better rate than Friday. Pink and purple hair and purple and white hair did the most damage, but some fish were coming on BFishN Tackle Paddle Tails and ringworms as well. Best colors for plastics for us were firecracker chartreuse tail and chartreuse pepper. The 24″ fish to the right came on a chartreuse pepper paddletail and an orange tiger Precision jig head.

As noon approached, the bite really took a turn for the worse. The bites were coming at a much slower pace, and were far lighter resulting in more missed fish than caught fish. We called it a day at 2:00 and headed for the ramp. We ended up keeping 3 sauger, 8 walleye, and one nice 13.5 inch crappie that was pretty much the only highlight of Kevin’s day. Any of you that have fished with Kevin know that the guy is darn good stick and doesn’t have very many bad days. We all have them once in a while, and today just turned out to be one for Kevin. Maybe he needs a fish beard like Jake.

Thanks to Joel for letting me borrow his fish board when we got back to the ramp for a picture. It was a bit windy at times today, but a fun day on the water. Thanks Kevin and Jake for coming out. Hope you enjoyed it.


  1. Fall is always a good time on the lake. I’ve had worse days that is for sure. thanks for taking me fishing. I needed a diversion day.

  2. With John running the boat and a couple of good jiggers fishing out the back, the fish never stood a chance today.
    Especially when they bite aggressively like they were this past weekend.

    It was definitely one of those fall walleye fishing days on the lake that keep you coming back for more.

  3. Nice fish John and thanks for the Friday trip. I’ll be pulling out some pink/purple hair to tie up. They were not aggressive today. 25+ shorts and only one keeper. A number of the fish we caught were hooked under the chin. May try again in the AM.


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