Part 2 – Upper Mississippi Madness

Once the water temps hit the low 50’s on the Mississippi the shallow water smallmouth bite usually slows significantly. The fish don’t stop bitting completely, they just vacate the shallow areas and move to much deeper water. This year with the warmer temps I was able to fish the shallow rocky areas in 2-6 FOW well into mid October.

Not only was I able to fish much later this year. This year might have been my best year to date. We were able to boat dozens of what I call world class fish (20”-21”+). I have numerous clients that have told me stories of their travels just to try and catch a fish of this caliber. So you can imagine their surprise when they find out there’s a fishery like this right in Central MN.

There’s nothing like like reeling in a 4-5 pound fish only to have numerous bigger fish following it to the boat. Generally when this happens we are able to quickly unhook the fish and cast back out to catch another. I think I get just as excited as any of my clients when I see back to back hog 20”+ fish come to the boat.

Just a couple weeks ago when the shallow water bite was at it’s peak, we had 9 fish break the 20” mark in one afternoon. I normally get very nice fish on the river with numerous fish in the 18-19” range, but fishing like that is just down right crazy! There’s no better feeling than being on a bite that you know is truly special.

Now with the water temps in the 40’s all I can do is wait for next September, when these monster fish return to haunt the shallow rocks of the mighty Mississippi once again!

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Joe Scegura

I bought my first boat when I was 13 and I've spent about every day since on the water or ice. I do most of my guiding on MilleLacs and in the Alexandria Lakes area.


  1. If you guys only knew how hard her arms were shaking to hold up these fish. Yon know what… I never heard one complaint

  2. Totally impressed, The size of those smallies is amazing, and I’m envious. I had to count how many there are, I counted about 45 and those are the ones you took pictures of, nice catch!

  3. Joe,
    Those are some impressive days on the water. I am jsut glad I got to be a part of it with you and my brother Al. Definately we will have to do that again Good luck this winter with the hard water bite

  4. Great report Joe…Dunno where you are fishing but it is a lot warmer than the Metro area… Those people dont have parkas on…

  5. Quote:

    Great report Joe…Dunno where you are fishing but it is a lot warmer than the Metro area… Those people dont have parkas on…

    Funny! These pics were all from mid october, 2-3 weeks ago. Sorry I’m a little slow on the report. My free time has been limited with the decent walleye bite lately. I guess that’s a good thing

  6. Quote:

    Those are some impressive days on the water. I am jsut glad I got to be a part of it with you and my brother Al. Definately we will have to do that again Good luck this winter with the hard water bite

    Ben, you are welcome any time. With your attention to detail I can tell not much gets by you. Every little thing I show you I can tell you’re thinking, where else can I use this technique. It’s just fun being on the water with someone that enjoys fishing so much. See you next year

  7. That LMB was my brother in law’s fish. She was a five pounder and she came out of a classic smallie spot! What a great trip we had. Can’t wait until next year.

  8. That was a big large mouth! I don’t see to many on the river but when I do they tend to be pretty decent size.

    Thanks again to everyone that fished the river with me this year. I look forward to fishing with you all again soon.

  9. I’m the guy in the Sufix shirt who spent a half day fishing with my daughter in the orange Cabelas hat with Joe in early October. A truly spectacular day!! Yes, her arms were shaking from fighting and holding up trophy smallies. Joe is not only a great guide, but an absolute gentleman. I can’t wait to go again next year

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