Mid Summer River Walleye Report

It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a report so I thought it was time to do a little update. Also the fact that BK slings Secret Seven at me and scouls every time I drive by his camper tells me an update is overdue and he is craving some walleye info. We all know he is a walleye lover at heart.

In the last month I have fished from the far upper end of pool 4 to the bottom of the lake and a gob of spots in between and must say the bite over all has been pretty good. I didn’t say every day was great, I said over all pretty good. All a matter of perspective I guess.

Most everyone knows that I do prefer to fish the top end of the pool in the river. I have learned though over the years that walleyes are much easier to catch when water clarity is greater than 4 inches. So now when the rains come and the water in the upper end gets dirty, I first search out cleaner water before searching out walleyes.

I guess the dirtier the water gets, the slower one needs to fish, and I am on the speed thing lately which is much more effective when the water has some visibility.

Most of my fishing in the lake has been done in 14-24 fow. Cranks or crank rigs fished on lead line have been my go to methods for catching fish while in the lake. Some days the rigs come off in favor of straight cranks but rarely do I not have at least one rod with the combo in the water.

I have been able to spend most of my time in the upper end as I can usually find clean water somewhere. If we have enough time between gullywashers either the main river or the tributaries have cleaner water. Around the mouths of these creeks or the shorelines directly below them are productive areas but when the main river clears it is my preference.

I have been using crank rigs pulled up and downstream on spinning gear with 8-3 fireline to be the most efficient. Some of our runs are pretty short and the spinning gear is a little more nimble than counters when you’re in and out repeatedly.
Shad bodies, paddle tails and long johns have all been great producers when added to the jig as of late.

I know there is a lot of banter about the lack of reports because the fishing has been poor. I have been happy with bite but every one has different expectations.
For the last month, on full day trips, I have been seeing as few as 7 or as many as 23 legal fish. Not a ton but a few bigs as well. Along with these, catching 3 sublegal fish for every legal is about a guarantee.
Whether good bad or otherwise you have to be excited about all the 14 inch fish in the system, they are literally everywhere.
In another month fall will be on our doorstep and we all know what happens on the river in the fall.
Good luck out there!


  1. Quote:

    I know there is a lot of banter about the lack of reports

    It’s hard to write a report when your on fish!

    I know we’re after different animals, but fishing has been very good most nights for us. High water and all.

    Congrats Bridger! Show the old man how to hook’em!

  2. Hey Marty !!!

    Hows things ??

    Good to see you are still putt’n them n the boat buddy !!!

    Don’t be such a stranger.. Hope to see you this fall up on P4… Dan and I are fishing with Dustin again this fall..

    Great report and great pix !!!

  3. howdy marty great report
    how come we didnt try that killer crank rig last summer?
    just wondering … is your crank rig a dubuque setup with a heavier jig on the dropper and a floating crank on the trailer?
    or … a diving crank on the dropper and a light jig/plastic on the trailer?
    sounds like something i need to give a try down this way.

  4. Quote:

    howdy marty great report
    how come we didnt try that killer crank rig last summer?

    just wondering … is your crank rig a dubuque setup with a heavier jig on the dropper and a floating crank on the trailer?
    or … a diving crank on the dropper and a light jig/plastic on the trailer?
    sounds like something i need to give a try down this way.

    Hey Larry,
    Stubborn would be the first word that comes to mind.

    Actually my first experience with this rig was last fall.
    Knew about it a long time ago(Hutch). Finally started fishing it with some persuasion(Denver)

    Most of the time we run 1/4 oz. jig with a shad body, paddle tail or long john on about a 16″ dropper. Then a crank on the long lead 36-40″s. I prefer a jsr5 but have run many different types depending on the water you’re fishing.

    Try it down there, I bet you’ll like it.

  5. Quote:

    Hey Marty !!!

    Hows things ??

    Good to see you are still putt’n them n the boat buddy !!!

    Don’t be such a stranger.. Hope to see you this fall up on P4… Dan and I are fishing with Dustin again this fall..

    Great report and great pix !!!

    Can’t complain about a thing up here. A little more water than we need but if that’s all a guy has to worry about things are pretty good.

    Fishing with Dustin-In a new Skeeter-On pool 4 in the fall. There’s a guaranteed good time.

    I won’t be hard to find. Look me up and we’ll swap stories.
    I also have beer.

  6. Good to hear the “D” rig is still putting some fish to the boat! Are you seeing more fish on the jig or crank?

    Bridger is still kicking your tail I see!

  7. In another month fall will be on our doorstep and we all know what happens on the river in the fall.
    Marty, when do expect the patterns to change? Thanks!

  8. Quote:

    Good to hear the “D” rig is still putting some fish to the boat! Are you seeing more fish on the jig or crank?

    Bridger is still kicking your tail I see!

    Lately both baits have had equal action but all the bigger fish have came on the cranks.

    For some reason Bridger likes blue crankbaits after last week. He’s been hard to live with lately.

  9. Quote:

    In another month fall will be on our doorstep and we all know what happens on the river in the fall.

    Marty, when do expect the patterns to change? Thanks!


    Last year we had a pretty strong movement in late September but usually early to mid October is when we see a definite change in patterns. Water temps really dictate how early this will happen.

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