Metro Pike and Bass Mayhem

With this high water – us river fisherman (without boats) have to find some new outlets to get our fishing in. RyanK and I did just that. Not knowing a ton about lake fishing, we spent the last week searching DNR surveys and Google maps to find the right place to drop the canoe in over the weekend; keeping in mind boat traffic, weather, and overall conditions, we agreed upon a lake with no motor’s allowed and an overall great pike survey. As luck would have it, everything fell into place quite nicely. The weather was fair with a few spotted rain showers and the sun made an appearance later in the day.

We had agreed that our chosen technique for the day would be big bobbers for big pike and bass. The first spot that was worked was an outside weed line in 12 FOW. This fishing reminds me so much of JAWS! Big bobber screaming across the top of the water and BAM its gone. We actually tuned our method today as we have been missing a ton of strikes on our bobbers; quick strike rig was the way to go. I had never really put two and two together with taking the tactics that we use for ice fishing and applying them to open water, what a concept! There was only 2 missed fish on the day with our new tactic.

With bobbers moving every 5-10 minutes, we sure were busy the whole afternoon. Mid day came and another bobber down, however, this one put out a huge splash after about 3 seconds. The hook was set and this monster 22″ bass came shooting out of the water straight at the canoe. This is my PB Large Mouth and it came from the metro!

All and all we boated over 20+ pike this day with 3 over 30″. We also had a bonus 22″ bass to boot.

If your as sick of this high water as we were, get out there, research, find what you love to do and make a day of it. My passion is cat fishing, but days like this make me double guess myself! Thanks again Ryan for sharing the day with me and boating some truly amazing Metro pike and bass!

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  1. We’ll have to do it again soon buddy! Next time hopefully we’ll break the 40″ mark!

  2. Great job Men!! A 33 inch pike is a very respectable fish!! Kudos on that 22 inch “Bucket Mouth” also. I bet she made the drag sing!!

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