Rainy Lake, Minnesota fishing report 6-14-11

We’re off to another outstanding year of fishing here on Rainy lake. If there was one thing in particular that has intrigued me about this massive body of water over the years it would clearly be the quality of fish available. Once again our customers have enjoyed a tremendous amount of big fish early into the 2011 fishing season. Anglers should look for the biggest and baddest fish to continue their seasonal migration to deeper haunts. We’ve focused our energies over the last week on that hard to define transition zone. Not Shoreline………Not Mid lake structures which are both fairly easy for fisherman to understand. It is this gray area that has some fisherman scratching their head back at the resorts, and has others wearing out the Frabill net!!

Guys will often ask me before a trip how we are going to approach the fish. I normally respond how do you want to?? I’m a firm believer there are several ways to dial in big fish, but the critical component a fisherman needs to uncover is WHERE?? Each year I’m impressed with the caliber of fisherman that is out there. Still even many of the top tournament anglers look to area guides to lessen the learning curve while dialing in a “Bingo” on tournament day. They also seek specific lake do’s and dont’s that might save a lower unit, or help them eliminate deadwater much more efficiently. We’re focusing our efforts on 2 patterns. Secondary weed lines that have scattered rubble piles, and current channels we refer to as “Neckdown areas”. These pinch points provide a steady influx of bait for hungry June Walleyes!! Anglers need to remember Rainy Lake flows West to East into the Rainy River which eventually dumps into LOTW. Rainy Lake is a completely stand alone fishery, while LOTW/Rainy River are two combined fisheries. With heavy rain or spring snow melting this can vary the amount of flow we have which can also impact the location of some fish. This slight variable can alter the movement of fish each season. When you factor in predominate flow with the wind directions each day you are able to pinpoint the structure that sets up best per your weather pattern. Frankly we have loads of GOOD LOOKING STRUCTURE. Still your weather that day will highly impact the influx of fish on that spot. I’ve always said a guy has to have a short memory when fishing Rainy Lake. Yesterday……….YEP……..That is Yesterday, and DO NOT be stuck all day fishing memories. If you ever hear “Well Grandpa and I caught………4 years ago………MOVE!!” Those fish that day were likely in their for a reason, and today they aren’t!! MOVE ON!!

If there is one thing in particular that I believe has anglers a bit confused I believe it is from guys like me consistently posting big fish pics. GUILTY!! Almost as though you simply come up and fill the box and then head to the resort. Fishing simply isn’t that easy, and what we don’t advertise is our hours of bad fishing that it took to dial in success. My personal trial and error period is frankly……Not much fun to talk about!! LOL!! Still those hours have taught me what I needed to know to dial in where the fish locate themselves during the season……AND WHERE THEY DON’T!! Each day we’re presented with a new challenge. Take today for an example; I’m on th water in T-minus 45 minutes as I try henpeck this report. As a full-time fishing guide spending nearly every single day chasing big walleyes I’ve got plan A,B,C and D for today. If we’re lucky plan B or C will be on fire!! Still it might be Plan F that turns out to be our A plan tomorrow. It is kind of like a complicated Fish Algebra problem. Wind direction along with Cloud cover alters my approach each day, and seldom will yesterdays fishing influence todays plan. This also will alter our approach of how we fish a particular spot. One of the most difficult things for all of us to understand if the fish aren’t biting is “Are those fish here and not biting? Or have they moved?”. I’m a firm believer MOST of the time they are here, but contrary to some beliefs fish do NOT actively feed 24 hours a day. Maybe your their in Nap time??

Yesterday is Yesterday. I clearly understand a report on what happened last week has little relevence on what anglers can expect in the coming weeks for their upcoming fishing trip. Here is my prediction for the next 2 weeks. Big fish will begin to scatter as some disperse into first line breaks leading to deep basin water while others roam this overused, yet seldom understood transitional area. Without a heavy wind the fish will not be concentrated in large numbers. With strong driving winds anglers on the right pattern will flat out murder the big fish. CSI will need to investigate some anglers boats!! Never underestimate the importance weather plays while fishing. Frankly I believe a good weather year is the most important piece of the puzzle when hunting big fish. Again we’re little help dialing in 11-12 inch fish. Not something we spend lots of time looking for. My theory is if your looking for small pan sized fish head out into 30-38 f.o.w. If your looking for predominately big fish with 15-16 inch fish mixed in than you need to better understand the transitional zones these fish hold in during the month of June. I happen to believe it can be one of the best months to fish with the least pressure.

We’ll see you on the water team!! We’ll be the boat with the net out!!


  1. I truly love that fishery Chris…

    Mama and I plan to make a week trip up there in the future.. Once I get over this hurdle We will be making plans, and I’m sure they will include you as well !!

    Keep up the great reports

  2. Awesome fishery with some incredible fish!

    You do kind of make it look easy Chris.
    It’s easy for people forget or not even consider how much work goes into getting to the point your at now.

    Great report & pictures!

  3. Quote:

    Any openings in July Man thats alot of inchs of fish right there!

    I’ve got 5 days open in July Ben. Aaaah!! JULY RAINY LAKE WALLEYES!! I do look forward to slinging jigs for those fish!! I don’t have any 3 day periods, but I have (2) 2 day periods open and then 1 single day. The other 26 days are locked and loaded!!

  4. That’s ALOT of photos of big fish, and plenty more smiles to boot. Sensory overload? Perhaps, but the point is well-taken. You’re putting clients on big fish in all species. Congrats on the great work, and thanks for sharing!


  5. Quote:

    That’s ALOT of photos of big fish, and plenty more smiles to boot. Sensory overload? Perhaps, but the point is well-taken. You’re putting clients on big fish in all species. Congrats on the great work, and thanks for sharing!


    Lol!! Thanks Joel!! Yes when we lag a couple weeks on reports if our fishing is good big fish pics get a bit backlogged. Many of our customers look forward to their moment in the sunshine with their personal prized catch making IDO’s fishing reports. We do our best to follow through. Congrats truly go to each of our customers!! This is just a small way for us to say thank you!!

  6. It just doesn’t get much better than that in regard to quality fish. Thanks for the report Chris and for hunt for big fish tips.

  7. Quote:

    It just doesn’t get much better than that in regard to quality fish. Thanks for the report Chris and for hunt for big fish tips.

    Thanks Brad!!

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