Lake Wisconsin Walleye Fishing Report

Catching walleyes on Lake Wisconsin hasn’t been much of a problem lately. On most outings, regardless of whether we are trolling or jigging, plenty of walleyes have been coming over the side of the boat. Keeper size walleyes on the other hand have been pretty sporadic.

It is not uncommon at all to go out in the morning (or afternoon) and put 20-30 walleyes & saugers in the boat with only one or two being keepers. If you go back out later in the day or the following day, don’t be surprised if you run into a much better percentage of keepers.
Case in point: While fishing this past Monday morning with Eric Fors & Bill Cooper, we landed 22 walleyes & saugers of which only four were legal. Later that evening I went back out and the first four fish I caught were all legals. After that quick flurry though, very few fish were caught over the next hour and four legals was exactly what I ended up with. Show up at the right time, and the eaten size fish are not afraid to jump all over a bait.

Two weeks ago, I was still consistently catching walleyes on jigs tipped with large fatheads while jigs tipped with crawlers & trolling crank baits also producing quite well. On any given day though, you had to pay attention to which tactic was producing the most keepers. Use the wrong one for that day, and you chance of catching keepers took a serious dip.
Lately the large fatheads have been left out of the boat as the crawlers seem to be working much better. The hardest thing to decide this past weekend was whether it would be more productive to troll or jig. I’ve pretty much stuck with jigging and the numbers have been pretty good overall.
Big fish on the other hand, not so much.

It appears as though we have a super size class of two year old fish that are dominating the overall catch right now in Lake Wisconsin. That bodes quite well for the future. There are still plenty of big fish out there as well. They just haven’t been showing up in my boat lately. I’m sure its something I’m not doing but as long as my clients are happy, then you won’t hear me complaining either.

Hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend.

And to all the Veterans out there that served out Country,
Thank You!

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Joel Ballweg

56, Married (Nancy) no children, 1 yellow lab. Professional Fishing Guide on Lake Wisconsin for past 10 years


  1. Good work putting those guys on fish Joel. After reading your reports and successful ventures for some time now, I’d expect nothing less! Congrats, and keep up the great work.


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