Also the weight I run a 25 horse Big Foot and it weights 172 pounds dry so you need to think about that too.
December 2, 2010 at 1:26 pm
Also the weight I run a 25 horse Big Foot and it weights 172 pounds dry so you need to think about that too.
Garmin all the way I have a nuvi 855 for MP3 and a 295W for the WiFi and MP3 and I can take pictures with it to..
Well as long as all the boats are gone they will let you fish off the docks as long as you don’t leave trash and clean up after your selfs and park in the parking lot. I know because this is where I fish in the fall and spring and yes it is a good place to fish during ice season and like I said before you want to fish the docks B&C and D&E and they the one closest to the parking lot…
He looks like he’s at Watergate Marina fishing B&C dock and D&E dock and yes if the weather warms up you to can fish the docks down there. Its a mid day to afternoon bite you want to fish north side of the docks where the fingers meet up with the main part of the dock you can catch sunnys , slabs and walleyes hang in there also.
If you have Dish you should be able to get away with a normal splitter but if you have direct tv you need to get a switch as they call it. I know I used to work for King Controls the makers of the King Dome for motor homes and Ice fishing Shelters and such..
To spendy for me was a member there once rather hunt caribou in LeSeur
Try a marine place that sells plastic to shrink wrap boats I know they use poly thats at least 28′ wide.
Hey those look like a great time was had by all but you I wish we had wipers like that up here in Minn. What were you using for bait and what body of water are you fishing my younger brother fishes off the coast of New England and they some monster strippers that must go up to 50 lbs or more and the blue fin tuna go over 300 lbs…
I think it needs to be in a better spot then his old shop you need to find a old gas station like Minnehaha bait was in so you can pull boat trailers into the lot to get bait and tackle. So if your going to open a shop you to have Bob from Moores bait and Katie and Danny from Minnehaha bait and have work together if your going start a bait and tackle shop. P.S. you need not cater to just cat fisherman like both have tried to do in the past ….
Give me a call my name is Woody and I fish Pool 2 below the ford dam and my # is 612-382-0269 I will supply the gear also. We have been getting smallies and silvers on top water lately…..
Have some fun get a steel head rod like a 10 footer and try fishing with a lite fast rod and 10 pound fire line….
I think we as a country need to do something to curb this problem. The people south of the boarder come and take jobs no matter what the wage or the job and that drives wages down because they will work for little or nothing and so on. Then they have a baby here and then they have it made welfare and section 8 housing and all that great stuff.. Its to bad we didn’t have this law when Obama came here to live…
When the Minnesota River is as high from all the rain we have had it backs up the Mississippi river. So levels are high from where meet to the Ford Dam and thats why there is little to no current. When you get south of say the 35E bridge the water speed will be a bit faster. This happens mainly during the spring melt off but when we have over 7 inch’s of rain in June you have to deal with too….
Call Brian at the if you need the number its #612-685-4422 he’s a mobile company he comes to you.
Yes its pretty cool the army corps had it in downtown St Paul last summer and had an open house with tours and you could sit in the drivers seat. You got to tour the tow boat General Warren and the crew barge and the dredge Goetz. The dredge crew barge and tow boat are all brand new with in the last 2 years or so. I had some pictures some where on my hard drive.
Where on pool 2 were you a.e. mile marker and where did you launch at