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  • woolybugger1
    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Where can a person buy good fishing explosives now days? Taping a few m-80s together and sinking them does not quite do the trick.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Before you buy something, you really should call Kevin from River Pro. He will take you fishing for an afternoon on the Upper Miss. I have never had more fun in a boat than those couple of days I spent in his. I just wish I had the cash to buy one. Just not working out that way right now.
    He actually drove it over gravel bars where the gravel was showing above the water. 55mph, no problem.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    To my knowledge, every station in MN must sell only squeeze gas. Most on the WI side seem to sell it too. I am sure it is too far away from you, 2 hours by car, but in Fountain City, I buy my from Elmer’s. No alcohol.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    It is way cooler to catch fish on things that you have made yourself. I started tieing my own flies for trout fishing and then fly fishing for walleye, northern and other warm water species, when I was about 10 years old. I don’t tie pretty flies, just useful ones. One of my favorites, can you guess is the woolybugger. I also make many of my own jigs. Don’t know much about it accept, I melt the lead in my lead pot, pour it the mold with the hook, clean it up, paint it or dress it and go fishing.
    There is really not a lot of money to be saved, nor is there a lot of money to be made. At least not on the small scale. It is just plain fun though to catch fish on your own creations.
    I am going to try carving cranks out of wood next. Paint them up and pull them behind my home made handline rig that I haven’t built yet. When you have more time than money, it is just fun to do things yourself. For me it makes the experience much more meaningful.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I use my hand held eagle a lot. Bought it in 95. Still works great. Speed, elevation, location, routes waypoints etc. Might not solve your problem though.
    A few years ago I was going to be on the ThreeLakes Chain of Lakes in WI. Set my landing waypoint while the boat was still on the trailer. I was using it to navigate just like you are not supposed to, my way back to the landing after dark. Guess what happened. I started to slow down just as I was hitting the sand along the shore. Took a few guys to push that boat off.
    It was funny, no beer involved. Will remember it for a long time to come.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Whites in 5A just dripping spawn. Caught a bunch on jigs and tails, they were agressive.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    checked the archives, no info, Who is Hutch and where is his shop located?

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    The one probably hung out just a little too close to the nuke plant.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    yea, thanks for the post. I have finally been able to begin figuring out the three way thing with cranks. You said that you use the original rapalas. With an 18 inch lead on the sinker and almost 4 feet to the bait, doesn’t the bait dive and constantly dig into the bottom? That might not be bad, infact I catch fish doing this but I loose a lot of lures as well. I also screw up a lot of noses on the lures.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Three big whites for a meal. Rest back to the river. We do eat a few meals though. They are so good, baked or fried. Just need to cut the dark meat off the back.

    When I was a kid fishing with My Dad and Grandpa on the Wolf River, we would fill coolers. Lots of hours spent cleaning them. They were pretty small too. Probabally because of the presure. Guess the reason they get so big here is because everyone is busy chasing wallies and bass. Hope they keep it up.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Haywood, leave my whities alone! They’re mine!
    I love catching them. They are my primary target. Been out only once this year and got skunked though. I expect to get some tonight.
    I would expect you to be able to jig some up off that wing dam we were on last summer.
    I’ve got to get them figured by next weekend cause my Dad is comming down to fish with me. He loves them too.
    Maybe see you out this weekend.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I’m going to be on the pool between Fountain City and the Dam. Will be in my little jon/merc.15. Probabally won’t fight the traffic by the dam but hope to find on breaks and wingdams.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    April 6 and I don’t even have the motor on my boat yet. Just been so busy. I guess that I have my priorities mixed up. Am planning on getting on 5A tonight/tomorrow at least to wet the line a little. Hope that I can. Anyway, any action the last couple of days?

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I floated the Chip from Durand to the Miss last summer when the water was low. Used a 14 jon. didn’t get to use the motor too much. Ran the trolling motor battery dead. Once past town a couple of miles, fishing was for the most part pretty bad until got close to the Miss. Had to get out and push a couple of times.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Throwing them on the rocks is bad, can be ticketed for that wantnwaste thing. I cut mine up and preserve it for cat fish bait. Spawn works good for chum.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I would like to see the words removed. I believe that the majority of people/kids/whoever, reciting the pledge, most of the time because they are pressured into it, recite it without any comprehension of its meaning. What is worse is the recitation of those two words, Under God, without any comprehension of the meaning. I believe that in most cases, those words have no more meaning to most people than the phrase that you hear everywhere you go. OH MY GOD!.
    I would honestly like to see religion left out of government and its institutions. It would be better than having it monkeybuttized. It would be better than having hypocrites and non believers doing things in the name of their supreme being with the intent of furthering their own cause.
    The public school system will not teach what Under God really means. It just won’t happen. Parents, you must do this. Teach the kids the values they need by both modeling and instructing. The government, the schools, pledges nor meaningless generalist prayers offered by non believers will not do it for you.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I believe you. It is great having you on board and I look forward to reading your posts. Especially regarding the carp situation. Just fun to have fun though.
    WI DNR was handing out carp id cards at the expo in Onalaska yesterday. Will be a help this summer.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    don’t think that it is a dolphin, quite sure it is a salmon

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    OK, I’m in. Is there any way to tell who did the absolute worst and is there a prize. That is the record I am trying for. I just clicked on the schools that I have never heard of or heard only little of. I have never watched a basket ball game outside of my own in high school. Haven’t a clue..

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    While fishing sturgeon on the Columbia near Portland last year I learned that if I was a little short of cash, I could fish for Pike Minnows or Squa fish and collected a bounty on them. They are now worth several dollars a piece and it is my understanding that it is the Power Companies that foot the bill. Put a bounty on these things and bill it to the barge companies and the aquaculture companies.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Cedar Valley has an excellent little trout stream running through it. My fold up rod fits in my golf bag just perfect and it is often a good idea to let faster player play through anyway. In the ponds, I just advise that I am trying to get my golf ball back.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    That is the best map site that I have been able to find as well. It is not however completely up to date. There are wing dams not located on it. The fact is that until you know the body of water, when you stray from between the bouys, go slow and keep one eye glued to the water looking for ripples and the other glued to the locator. Don’t be afraid to ask others on the landing or on the water. Especially if they are wearing an in-depth angling or Fish the River hat.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I bought my first Ford last winter. It is a used 1997 full size conversion van with a v8. The check engine light has been on for about 4 thousand miles. Do you think that I should look at it or something. I mean it went off all by itself once for a little while.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Two years ago I read the laws several times and then posted this question here on the board. At that time the best that I could tell was that it was/is perfectly fine to use a casting net to catch baitfish in Wisconsin. I have used it to to catch gizardshad.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    While visiting another MN fishing message board, a question was asked about how to save a marital relationship. I seldom post there but in this case I felt a need to reccomend finding a church and seeking help and relationships there. Boy was I blasted for that. This site on the other hand is occupied by so many good people, perhaps not all Christian but all tollerant of others beliefs just the same. I appreciate this and consider everyone here a friend because of it. This is great thread and I appreciate it being allowed here.
    My wife is out of town until Sunday, we will see the movie then.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    I would go May/June. Panfish, bass, Crappies are all on their beds durring that time. Take your flyrod, some poppers, foam spiders and leach patterns. All the action is close to shore if don’t have access to a canoe or anything, can still have a great time. Use the leach or another minnow pattern after dark on the shallow sand or rock flats for walleyes. That action will be great throughout May.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    Driving back from Green Bay WI last spring, my wife and I came across a traffic jam in the small town of Shiocton. Must have been more than 1000 cars parked along both sides of the highway. State patrol was directing traffic. People were all standing along the river watching these big sturgeon spawn. We did the same. Some of those fish were at least as big as the above pictures and it is awsome to think that some of them have been doing this possibly since before Wisconsin became a state. They actually have volunteer guard patrols protecting them from poachers every spring.
    Spearing does not appeal to me either. I would rather see more of a hook and line season. I had a ball fishing for white sturgeon on the Columbia last summer.

    W Wisconsin
    Posts: 276

    What would this mean for guns in the car or truck. Will it need to be unloaded and cased? What then about the hunting rifle or shotgun. Why should they have to be cased and unloaded if the handgun isn’t? I would get the permit just so that I wouldn’t have to case my gun everytime I hop (drive) from one grouse spot to the next or from one pothole to the next.

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