Got a different phone number 218 579 0265. Also price is at $13900

Posts: 56
Got a different phone number 218 579 0265. Also price is at $13900
Also your tow vehicle has to be rated for the weight towed. And the way I read it depending on your weight being towed most half ton pick ups cannot do this
I have that same exact motor, P75, on my Skeeter since 1998 and only trouble I had was a couple years ago had to replace diaphragm on the automatic choke other than that typical maintenance. Has many hours on it and many hours of trolling. Still runs great.
I did get a quote few years ago on trading it in on a new 75 Yamaha 4 stroke and they were only going to give me $800 on trade in so I just figured I’ll just keep running it.
I’m with you Randy Wieland, we need to quit polluting our soil and ecosystems with all this salt and chemicals!
Yes I definitely agree with you. If it’s like mine it’s worse in the winter. Summer I just check the radiator every so often to make sure it’s not low.
Just because the tank on top is at the level its supposed to be doesn’t mean that the radiator isn’t empty or low? If it’s gurgling that means it’s low on antifreeze.
Do you have the hemi in your truck? Those flappers don’t have much to do with it not heating. Sounds more like mine and probably head gasket? Mine doesn’t show any leaks either but I think it’s going out the exhaust?
I have an 04 ram 2500 with the hemi and 239000 miles on it now. Went with Hankook atm’s last set of tires and right now have 76000 miles on them. Getting them changed out soon but wow what a great tire! Rotate every 8000 miles. I pull heavy trailers at work and boat and 5th wheel camper also on the weekends. Couldn’t be more happy with the tires.
So what you’re saying biggill is we don’t know nothing so sit back and enjoy the game, win or lose?
Very happy with my ATM’s. 62000 on them now. Was nervous on how they’d do this winter on the road and lake, but no problems what so ever. Would recommend them to anyone.
Dammit I was hoping Charlie would get the hattie! Dub was awesome and I’m glad for the shutout!
Ok, so almost half of those points on the pp. Then take his time on ice. His +/- is one of the worst on the team. Not counting how many times during the game we get stuck in our own end because he either loses the puck and/or not hustling and/or thinking he’s a better than the player taking him on! Even Coyle has almost as many points if you don’t include pp with 14 less games.
When this team is working hard and skating fast, they’re tuff to beat. 2 guys constantly not doing that is Stewart and Suter.
I think if Suter’s minutes were cut down to 23 max per game, he’d be much better?
I have a better idea…win in regulation and not worry about shootouts!
And get rid of Stewart. Suter too but that’s not happening anytime soon! They both slow the whole team down! At least guys like Coyle and Ennis are working.
Sorry. If it runs when choke is on and dies when turned off, it’s not getting enough gas
If it runs on choke and when choke is off, then it’s not getting enough gas. Probably has something plugged? Try cleaning thoroughly first. If that doesn’t work try a new carb kit and still doesn’t work, then it probably needs a new carb? Doesn’t hurt to try a new plug too.
Ok just read a good article on Matt from TSN. His mother is wondering if it’s related to CTE, so at least she knows about it. I hope they can get him some help before it’s too late. Such a sad story
Thx captainmusky. Been trying to figure out how to get in touch with Matt’s family because somebody has to do something before this becomes another Keith hernandez thing. If anybody knows of anyway, please let me know.
Thx mplspug. You are absolutely’s no joke and many people don’t understand including myself. I didn’t think anything of all the concussions and blows to my head until now that I’m having all these issues. It’s now even to the point where I can’t drive let alone even ride, without completely feeling like crap, to see doctors. Been a long 4 months and no end in sight. Trying to get into the Mayo to hopefully get this resolved, if possible. At this point I’m just hoping to get back a somewhat normal life.
How old is it? What brand of motor and is that electric start work on extension cord or how’s it work?
This is tragic. There’s a thing called CTE (chronic traumatic encephalopathy) that is starting to get into news headlines. More than likely Matt has it? It comes from too many blows to the head.
Here’s a list of some of the symptoms
Difficulty thinking
Impulsive behavior
Depression or apathy
Short term memory loss
Difficulty planning and carrying out tasks
Emotional instability
Substance abuse
Suicidal thoughts or behavior
Some other suspected symptoms…Aggression, irritation, speech problem, motor impairment, trouble swallowing, vision problems, dementia.
I’ve been suffering from concussion symptoms the last 4 months myself and doctors can’t figure anything out. I’ve had multiple concussions and blows to the head in my lifetime. I’m starting to think that I have CTE but really can’t be truly diagnosed at this point until after death. There’s 4 stages of it.
Hopefully they can find Matt and get him some help before it’s too late.
I know how you feel. I know many people who are the same way. Good friend of mine starts up he diesel skid loader or his diesel pickup wide open and no warm up what so ever, whether it’s -40 or 100 above! Still drives me nuts but I’ve finally come to terms that it’s his money.
Ok nhamm here’s the deal with diesel. They’re a lot more maintenance, the cost of owning one is higher but for pulling all the time you can’t beat them. I’m partial to dodge myself (mostly because they’ve treated me so well, meaning the pickups and dodge company themselves) but any of these new ones are good.
Have a friend that bought a used 99 dodge with 118000 on it and still owns it. It’s been his work truck since the day he bought it. It now has 260000 something on it. Yeah he’s had repairs and maintenance but that’s any vehicle. And trust me when I say this, he beats the crap out of that thing between pulling and the way he drives. 2 major repairs he’s done is 1 clutch and fuel lift pump. He is now on his 3rd dodge diesel and wouldn’t think of owning a different brand of pickup and he used to be a chevy man.
Plain and simple:
Initial cost is higher
Maintenance and repair costs are higher
Fuel is higher especially in winter
Pulling you can’t beat them
Will outlast gas vehicles
Made for working and pulling
I’ve used both nexgard and bravecto. Both are great I just like the 12 weeks with bravecto.
The Hawks down 0-3? That ain’t possible! They’re the best team ever! They’re going to win the stanley cup according to so many this year. So sick of hearing about the Hawks and how so perfect they are and can’t do nothing wrong!
Go preds…kick their ass!