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  • wood913
    Posts: 16

    Full moons can be tough and especially with the warm weather we have had the past few weeks. Stay hid pretty good and watch your silhouette when there is moon light. Yoters breed in Feb.and respond much better to howling than to squeals during this time. They can get very wound up so have fun and take a shotgun for the one that sneaks in too close for the rifle. Also….it is always worth hunting at night. Moon or not.

    Posts: 16

    Full moons can be tough and especially with the warm weather we have had the past few weeks. Stay hid pretty good and watch your silhouette when there is moon light. Yoters breed in Feb.and respond much better to howling than to squeals during this time. They can get very wound up so have fun and take a shotgun for the one that sneaks in too close for the rifle. Also….it is always worth hunting at night. Moon or not.

    Posts: 16

    another steelhead

    Posts: 16

    wee smallie on a steelhead fly

    Posts: 16

    here ya go…..October on the Snake in Idaho

    Posts: 16

    thanks, I needed the information too. How about 2 or 3 pictures. Do you need to access the attachment feature multiple times or can they just be stacked on one shot?

    Posts: 16

    The one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous, is his dog. A man’s dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and snow drives fiercely, if only he may be near his master’s side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer; he will lick the wounds and sores that come in encounter with the roughness of the world. He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince. When all other friends desert, he remains. When riches take wings and reputation falls to pieces, he is as constant in his love as the sun in its journey thru the heavens.
    Senator George Vest, 1870

    Posts: 16

    take the dog to the vet. too much puking will dehydrate the animal and is dangerous. A week is too long to be that sick. good luck to the dog.

    Posts: 16

    Derek, we might be looking at different Sand Lakes. Polk County is where I’m at. My map looks different than what you are describing but I think I am getting the picture. You guys on this site are great for sharing information w/ beginners. Didn’t think that happened much anymore!!!
    I was out last night on a bucket at 0 degrees. Didn’t want to mess with the portable for just an hour or so of fishing. The crappies and panfish went banannas and I was so cold I couldn’t feel the line and shaking so bad (half from excitement) that I couldn’t see the rod tip move. Caught a dozen or so reasonable fish and released a bunch of little guys and had to quit because I forgot my headlamp. The flasher was lit up like a christmas tree and the whole thing was a kick in the pants. Think I’ll take the portable next time it’s that cold. Planning on doing some exploring this weekend and I can’t wait to check out the bottom of the main lake. Let me know if you find a map of the other Sand Lake. Thanks again to you and to everybody on the site!!!!


    Posts: 16


    Sent you a message but I got a ‘no delivery’ return.

    The lake is Sand Lake in Wisconsin. It is relatively small and only 1 deep section that is itself not real big. The depth is approx. 50 ft. I hadn’t thought the FL -18 would shoot through the ice but I will try it after scooping away the snow. How do you tell weeds from fish on the flasher display. Do the fish appear as bigger targets that come and go? Thanks for the help. There are a fair number of crappies in the lake and some walleye. No real secret.


    Bill – thanks for the tips. That’s a lot of stuff only learned through experience. I appreciate the help!!!

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