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  • witt
    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Nice job! Ponds are always fun. How thick was the ice? I live in Iowa City and am hoping there are a few more trips left in the year, I fish mainly within 20 miles of IC.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I was afraid of that. I’m not going down ’till sunday morning, so maybe this little cold snap will make things more solid, that’s my hope anyway. Thanks for the updates.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Thanks! I’ll be sure to pack my waders in my truck. I hope this rain doens’t end the season, maybe the cold week ahead will hold spring off….?

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I am heading to some farm ponds in Wayne Co, IA. How thick was the ice up in Sigourney? It’s a ways north, but it’ll give me an idea.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I respect every one’s opinion and enjoyed the debate. Although I have my opinions, as you all know, I would certainly hope that my wishes do not become law. Our rights are OUR rights, a collective. If the day comes where one voice of opposition silences the voices of the majority, we have a problem. Our country is governed by those who represent us, and lately we have been getting the attention of those in DC.
    I am officially retiring from the arena of this debate.
    See you on the ice, I will be at Macbride. If you’re out there, fire off a couple rounds and I’ll come over with hot coffee.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36


    Kooty, don’t be a dope. You don’t need a permit to buy gas at a pawn shop. Think before you type….sheesh……


    There’s no need for name calling. If you are a friend of kooty, I guess it’s cool. But so far this has been a heated but respectful debate.
    Time to let this one fade into the sunset……….

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36



    Gary, if you think we are remotely close to China you need to lay off the sugar my friend.
    Again, if you don’t like the United States, get out. I love this country no less than any of you, and I think our government has done many wrongs to the people. But every four years we get to decide who our leader is. And power is transferred peacefully and without bloodshed. The winner wins legally, fairly, and is chosen by the people.
    If you (and all the others who are so happy to call this a dictatorship, communism, etc.) think it’s so bad here, then go somewhere else and post a thread telling us how easily you aclimated to the society because it’s so similar to the United States.
    Oh, and to answer you question, I’m going to take a shot in the dark-270 laws. Am I close?

    I’m soley talking about our freedom here.

    I do need you to expand more on your statement above, as I’m a bit confused.
    Are you referring to executive or legislative government?
    This proposal we are discussing is being delivered by a congressman from Illinois. Not the president. This has nothing to do with the president. We are talking legislative here.
    With that said, congress is up for election every 2 years, right? Not 4.
    And, I have no intent of leaving my country.
    If people don’t agree with the government, it isn’t the appropriate response to leave the country.
    If that was the case…….
    Maybe we should have told the Jews to leave Germany in 1939 and there wouldn’t have been a problem, now would there?

    You know, you had better start coming up with a better anology that Nazi Germany. And as for the president, my point is we have a peaceful transfer of power, not like many countries in the world that you all are so quick to compare us to.
    Do you guys ever read what I write? Or just look for the parts that say “gun”, “regulate”, and “no”?
    Read the whole bill, read my whole post. Try to make a point, this could be hard, without using Nazi Germany. Comparing any US president to Hitler is a tad bit extreme, don’t we all agree on that?
    And YOU WOULD STILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS!!!! YOU WOULD! Ever bought a gun at a pawn shop or gun show?

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36


    I challenge you, on your next post, to tell me how many gun laws exist under federal law?

    I found 271.

    How is this new law on top of the existing 271 going to take away the guns from the criminals and stop crime?

    What I want to know, is how this 272nd law will benefit the People of the United States of America?

    In communist China, permits and licenses are required to own and use a typewriter, copy machine, and the other tools of free speech. Maybe that should be our 273rd law?

    The tiereny of the government on this proposed bill is unacceptable, as the constitution states.

    Gary, if you think we are remotely close to China you need to lay off the sugar my friend.
    Again, if you don’t like the United States, get out. I love this country no less than any of you, and I think our government has done many wrongs to the people. But every four years we get to decide who our leader is. And power is transferred peacefully and without bloodshed. The winner wins legally, fairly, and is chosen by the people.
    If you (and all the others who are so happy to call this a dictatorship, communism, etc.) think it’s so bad here, then go somewhere else and post a thread telling us how easily you aclimated to the society because it’s so similar to the United States.
    Oh, and to answer you question, I’m going to take a shot in the dark-270 laws. Am I close?

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Whoa brother.
    So you came close to using your gun? What is that supposed to mean?
    I lived in Phoenix. Ever been there? Ever had someone pull a gun on you for cutting them off on the interstate? You live in rural town. I moved people who had bullet holes in their kids windows. My mother in law taught at a school where kids got shot. Google this one: “Weapon branded on US Highway 60/ I-10/Loop 101” etc. Or: “Shooting in Glendale/Chandler/Mesa/Peoria.” Interesting reading material. Then tell me you “almost” used your gun.
    And as for the guns that are used in crimes, are you saying that no one ever bought a gun in anger from a pawn shop and used it? No one ever bought a gun from a Gun Show with the intent to kill someone? I live in Iowa City, there was a shooting here in ’92. A student killed five people on campus. You “almost” used your gun. The point of the bill is to make it make it harder to buy a gun if you have malicious intent or crime of passion flowing in your veins.
    And it’s not so important for me to know if anyone’s used their gun in self defense, but everyone says that’s why they own it. And poor analogy with the smoke detectors, they never shot anyone in a classroom AND there is not, to my knowledge, a bill for more regulation of smoke detectors.
    Again, I’ll say it every time, own a gun. Good for your. I own several shotguns. I use them for shooting pheasants, turkey, and quail.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36



    Time to take 5 and walk away from the keyboard.

    Well, I just got a chance to read this fine thread. My take…

    I won’t sacrifice our freedoms for the illusion of security.

    Bad things are going to happen in this world, folks. And trying to over-regulate law-abiding citizens isn’t going to do a damn thing to change that. You want to decrease violence in the world? Start by doing everything possible to prevent young boys from turning into violent criminals in the first place. Regulating good citizens isn’t going to solve the problem and will do more damage than good by eventually criminalizing legal acts. All it takes to turn good citizens into prison inmates is one bad law.

    So, just got back from work. Seems like people still think the bill is going to outlaw handguns.
    Not the case, just more regulation. If you look at the financial sector, maybe a little regulation would be a good thing. Letting the private sector regulate itself has been a good theory with money, right? Like your tax dollars going to bail out the bank that lost billions, yet the CEO’s, ironically, made millions? A little regulation might have helped, but too late now. If you own a hand gun-great! Be safe, be careful, keep it locked. Stay away from colleges (-J that’s for you, ever been to college campus–LOTS of drunk people. You want them taking a gun to class?). I like to think that law-abiding citizens are already regulated, hence the term “law abiding.” You are following the law, and a NEW law, one that says you can’t buy a Desert Eagle with Hollow Points at a Gun Show in Cedar Rapids (I know, “IT’S MY RIGHT”)to me makes sense. If you have to buy it from a LICENSED, REGISTERED GUN VENDOR is that someone taking your rights away? Is that violating your right to OWN the gun? No. You might have to pay more, you might have to give your fingerprints, and you might have to tell the state when you move. Just like when you change your vehicle registration.
    Everyone needs to think about how the law will directly affect them, and we still have not had any response to this question:
    Who has actually had to use their gun in self defense?
    Not you AKA PVT Simmons.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36



    And as for the VA Tech shootings, what are your thoughts on a bill that would require all public institutions (schools, libraries, courthouses) to have have metal detectors and armed security at all entrances?

    Those shooting would never have happened if the students and teachers were armed.


    Are you serious? There is no way I can even form the words to begin countering that, there are too many reasons.
    I’m serious, I’m speachless and as you can see that is saying a lot.
    Gotta go to work.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Whose business is it to know if you paid your boat registration? Who cares? Why pay it?
    I have a couple of opinions on the why’s of the gun law, neither of which have I researched but are mainly opinion.
    1) Obviously, the fines/fees for classes/registration will be a source of revenue for a government scrambling for money.
    2) The aim is, in my opinion, to take the guns out of the hands of fellons by making illegal pawn sales, guns shows, etc where anyone with a wad of money can go in and buy a gun. Will that stop guns from going to a fellon? Maybe not, but if the easiest source for guns is eliminated the odds are better.
    3) Making sure that all guns are secured safely is similar, in a way, to having your home inspected before you sell it. Faulty electrical can cause a fire, and if my kid is at your house and you have a gun in the drawer of your night table and they shoot YOUR kid accidentally, whose to blame? My kid for pulling the trigger or you for not having your gun in a safe place?

    I have to go to earn a living, as you can see I have been at this for all day. I will revisit later tonight.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Why is everyone jumping down my throat?

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Did you read the bill? Again, not taking your gun away. Just making sure everyone knows where it is. Kind of like your car, or in your case, your boat.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    The bill is about hand guns.
    Please read the bill.
    BTW I have been an avid hunter since age 10. I took hunter’s safety at age 16 as will my daughter and my son.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    This SUPPORTS THE BILL!!!! The Bill we are talking about is requiring gun owners to REGISTER their weapons, notify if address changes, and prohibit use by minors. Making hand guns extinct will never happen, but for some reason you are against regulation. What has deregulation by government taught us over the past four months? Eventually, inevitably, it goes all wrong.
    If you want to own a hand gun, go ahead, but by registering it and following the recommendations of the proposed bill, you will not lose your right to carry or own a gun, you will just have to be a little more responsilble about it.
    And as for the VA Tech shootings, what are your thoughts on a bill that would require all public institutions (schools, libraries, courthouses) to have have metal detectors and armed security at all entrances? I would give up the freedom of another to carry a gun to a lecture hall if it meant my child wouldn’t be shot. So I guess that makes me pro-dictatorship, doesn’t it.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    How many of those opposed to the bill have ever had to use their gun in self defense?
    EXCLUDING military or law enforcement.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I for one hope it passes. I can’t stand handguns, nor do I see the need for them.
    And just because someone’s in your house you don’t have the right to shoot them, that’s law. So go ahead and shoot an intruder, you will go to jail just like they will. And if they die you will be tried for manslaughter. Everything you own is insured, and they are just things. You have to prove they were armed, and had intent to harm.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36


    Okay…..this will be the last warning. Keep the political bias out of this thread, or the Management Committee will be forced to lock it up.

    No one wants that, so keep this thread on point.

    Gun control is meant to protect society as a whole. I would imagine that the majority of the people on this thread are law-abiding citizens who have never nor would they ever use a gun on someone else. Decreasing crime does not equate to arming the masses.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Okay…..this will be the last warning. Keep the political bias out of this thread, or the Management Committee will be forced to lock it up.

    No one wants that, so keep this thread on point.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36


    I wish it wasn’t political!!!!!

    So posting proposed legislation is not political? That’s funny.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I respect your right, as you do mine, do believe what you choose. I choose not to compare the US to Nazi Germany. That’s just me. You choose to, and that’s fine.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    First-isn’t the policy of the site to NOT post political threads?
    Second-if you love the United States, STOP COMPARING IT TO NAZI GERMANY!!! When you see people being kicked out of their homes, loaded onto trains, and being executed for reglious, sexual, or political orientation then you can make the comparison.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Prayers on their way.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I like the ratso’s and diamond’s in glow red or pink and white.
    Question, how do you combat the line twists? I am thinking of using some barrel swivels about 12″ up, but any feedback would be helpful.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    I can’t stand thieves and vandals. Here is a story, somewhat related.
    My wife and I were living with her parents in the ‘burbs of Phoenix. One morning, I walk out to my car and see a huge dent on the rear panel. We call the police, etc.
    That afternoon, we got a call from the local police, they have actually caught the crew that did it. They had been going around the subdivision throwing river rock through car windows for s***s and giggles. Turns out, one of the cops knew the kids and had seen them out the night before, but just took them all home.
    Long story short, the parents and the kids begged us not to press charges, “money is not an option.” I told them I had no sympathy for people who don’t respect other people’s property.
    Kids went to court, our settlement checks came in the mail three months later.
    When you find them (you will) don’t be kind.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Although it doesn’t help to say it, I’ll say sorry to hear it anyway.
    Every state has a form of state-sponsored health care for children. In Iowa it’s called Hawk-I, it’s very affordable health insurance for children ($20/month).
    As for the new arrival (congrats!), you should look into your states WIC program. WIC stands for Women, Infants, and Children, and is basically food stamps for things like formula, cereal, juice, milk, cheese, etc. If you qualify, you get a stipend for each month, and it’s free.
    The taxes you paid on your income for 8 years went to these programs, now it’s your turn to take advantage.
    Best of luck.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    It’s hard to NOT be curious about a body of water that large. Sure, there are easily accessed bodies of water in the IC area that have lots of fish, but the potential for the Res is huge. I’m going to the USGS tomorrow and getting a topo map. If I do some investigating, I’ll be able to get some info. At the very least, I’ll go to the Marina or Lakeview and take a hike.

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    To be honest, when I go to deep southern Iowa (Wayne, Lucas) I hit up some farm ponds for both ice and open water. Those small ponds have large fish.
    On another note, is there any way to get to the marina at the Coralville Resevoir? It seems that would be safe place to drill holes, I’m a little iffy about fishing below the spillway even though I know people do it.
    Any info on the Res would be appreciated.
    GO HAWKS (at least we have football)

    Iowa City, IA
    Posts: 36

    Right on.
    It’s those encounters that remind us of the reason we enjoy our natural resources.
    Have a good ice season, looks like there’s plenty more to come!
    I’ll post my results with pics next time, hoping to get our four year old on some late ice fish.

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