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  • wilson1
    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    Dear Mr. Jig,
    I really have no idea what you are talking about. Off site weigh-inns are a completely different subject in itself. Culling which the thread was inteded to talk about is the issue. The DNR is stating that they can not find any evidence of culling hurting the fish population. But they still feel that it should not be changed. I am concerned about a lot of people out there who feel that tournaments are bad because they kill fish, period. The DNR feel tournaments are bad because we kill, in there studies up to 20% of the fish we weigh in. What will they say when we obide by there silly rules and kill 100% of the fish we catch. How long before you plain hook guys “thats a quote” realize that they are not catching as many fish because the tournament guys are following the rules and killing all the fish they catch. But then again we will not have to worry about it because we will all have a huge fish fry after weigh-inns. Heck maybee even the winners will have to clean them all to get their checks. All I ask is to make an educated response. If you have a problem with culling fine. Why? If you have a problem with tournaments. Why? If you have bass boat envy get a job and buy one. By the way culling in tournaments is so silly I mean you take a fish (alive) out of your livewell, put it back in the water where it came from. Is that not what we do after the tournaments anyway. We are letting them all go at the end of the day anyway.

    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    you might want to try the first drop from shore. I found them in 4-7 fow. Also try any wood that is in that depth.

    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    not done yet have been out with good success on a couple of area lakes am going to the wolf sat. to catch some of those brown fish.

    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    ottobass, first great question. But it all depends on what lake. If you have small and largemouths togeather, in the same lake the largemouths will spawn first. But if you are comparing largemouths on a shallow dark bottomed lake like puckaway to say a deep clear lake like green lake which are only miles apart the largemouths will spawn first. that being said I agree with the other posts that bass do spawn when the water hits 55-60 degrees, but some will spawn earlier, and some will spawn later. I have heard of people catching fish off of beds on lake geneva in july. And those were small mouths.

    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    That’s not funny I am sure d-nort is laughing at me. I filled my boat up exactly like that on pool 8two years ago not because of weather, but a double barge wake. biggest waves I have ever seen. It took 2.5 hours to bilge it out. the yammie never stopped running luckily.

    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    I was talking about fishing, but as we know that would not be true so we will go with poker. That is true usally!!!! the

    s.e. wisconsin
    Posts: 8

    dnort I have a new sponsor it is going to be you. thanks for donating.

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