I Own the Lx 6, got it for x-mas. It worked perfect for about 8 outings with v3.17, then one day my jig started fading in an out only time you could see it was when you moved it. That night I went home frustrated and found the new upgrade v4.07 was available. I downloaded and it helped with my fading jig, but developed all types of different problems which everyone else has mentioned plus this. I now have target displayed on the dial all the time, which I discovered is ducer offset. It goes away when I do a factory reset , but comes back. I also contacted Marcum and sent them pictures and I was told to try the the same things. open water mode. ducer high in the center of hole.They also emailed me the old v3.17 version. I’m surprised I found all these complaints, when Marcum told me they had over 2000 downloads for V4.07 and not many complaints. I’m addicted to the unit now. but don’t Know if the problem is with my unit or the firmware? They should run these new versions for awhile and work out the bugs before releasing them. I guess were the test team without benefits. When I spoke with them on the Phone You can Tell there frustration from all the call volume. I still think I have a problem because my headache started with v3.17. Still not giving up on Marcum its a great unit when working properly
lets go Marcum Makes us Happy!
February 16, 2014 at 1:33 pm