Wade, Thanks again. Once i figure out what i am going to purchase, i will be considering Jolly’s. From reading the boards it looks as though you guys are building a great reputation with your customers. That’s something that is getting harder to find these days.
Joe, thanks for the info on the Eagle. I’ll look into that more and see how it compares. I had briefly read through that one before and if i remember correctly. I don’t think it had the FasTrack feature and maybe a couple of other things also. I really don’t know how important FasTrack would be to me because i mostly troll. But on occasions we like to anchor, sit back and relax while fishing.
Briank, i understand what you mean. It is hard to choose what to go with on these newer sonar’s without getting some first hand info from users. When i posted the depth’s being between 10′ and alittle under 1000′, those figures are kinda broad. I probably should of used 10′ to somewhere between 600′ and 700′ maximum. In the spring, early summer and late fall i like to fish the smaller lakes and rivers around here. In July and August we enjoy fishing the Great Lakes. That would be Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Lake Ontario is the deeper of the two lakes.