I hunted exotic rams in Texas with a group of friends back in the day. It was a fenced in ranch but it was over 1000 acres of steep hills/mountains. We spent the first three days up in the hills chasing the “smart ones” that have been educated. They are tough to hunt even in a fenced in ranch, amazing how they can scale a mountain in a hurry. You also see the real dumb ones, which is what I shot on last day. I forget all the rams they had running around but I shot a Corsican, which was the cheapest option, like $260. At the time, that $260 covered the lodging too, which was great for broke ass college kid. My buddies dad shot some Afghanistan thing, don’t even remember the cost of that. On this ranch you could shoot essentially any animal you saw with the exception of whitetails. I’m not into game farms by any means but this was a cheap, fun trip with a group of friends. Ranch was somewhere south of San Antonio, couldn’t even tell you the name of it.