Was never meant to be arrogant Vikefan. I dont own one acre of the private land I hunt. The point was the land is great hunting because of the tremendous pressure on Whitewater. I was only objecting to the sampling that was used against APR. In fact, I hunt on a piece of public land in Mower county that is fabulous deer hunting, under hunted and equal or better to the private land I hunt on both sides of it. I would share this info with anyone interested and serious about herd management, and yes that piece needs some does removed badly. I also hunt a piece of private land in Fillmore county and the neighboring property (private land) allows any person who asks to hunt on his 300 acres, he offers a slip with permission and multiple parties hunt it effectively. Not meant to be condescending in any way, just pointing out objectives to a biased sample.
Lastly, I have been a member of IDO since 2001 when there were less than 200 people that had ever visited the site and it was an info sharing site. I have never ever attempted to offend anyone but somehow, the conversation the last few years has always had to lead to the right and wrong and its worse then reading the comments at the bottom of a Yahoo article, yet nobody asks around for a good hunting spot or blames the private landowner for no permission granted when they havent spent the previous 9 months researching the options that are available.
SLACK if you want some good public opportunties and a few private parties to ask permission let me know. I envy you for having the drive to spend the last few years on that property.
This will be my official last post all as an IDO Member Was nice to hunt, fish with and to meet some of you!