I have the XL and love it used it all last year.
Best case for my use hands down.

Posts: 42
November 21, 2022 at 10:37 am
I have the XL and love it used it all last year.
Best case for my use hands down.
As you guys may know, the prices across the ice fishing industry this year is nothing short of absurd. The crown jewel of this is definitely the new Ice Helix conversion kit, which retails at $410 WITHOUT A BATTERY AND CHARGER.
Anyways, I have a helix 7 G2 that I want to convert to use for ice fishing. I’m piecing together a shuttle for it, but I just want to make sure that I’m buying everything that I need. Please let me know if there’s anything else I’m forgetting.
Here’s my shopping list so far:Battery/Charger ~$130
HB ice Transducer ~100
Shuttle ~$60I know that I probably need a power cord of some kind, but I’m not exactly sure what to buy as far as that goes. Any help is appreciated.
As you guys may know, the prices across the ice fishing industry this year is nothing short of absurd. The crown jewel of this is definitely the new Ice Helix conversion kit, which retails at $410 WITHOUT A BATTERY AND CHARGER.
Anyways, I have a helix 7 G2 that I want to convert to use for ice fishing. I’m piecing together a shuttle for it, but I just want to make sure that I’m buying everything that I need. Please let me know if there’s anything else I’m forgetting.
Here’s my shopping list so far:Battery/Charger ~$130
HB ice Transducer ~100
Shuttle ~$60I know that I probably need a power cord of some kind, but I’m not exactly sure what to buy as far as that goes. Any help is appreciated.
or you could get this shuttle.
I’m always a little confused on the breaking down handles Hassel. It literally takes 3 seconds. That 2b case looks nice though
The eagle claw case I have I would have to break them down and they had to fit in case just so.
I would have to open lid out in cold and fight to get the rod out.
And to open lid I would have to unstrap it from ATV and set case on the ice.
I strap 2b on top of my Atv box and I can pull the reel I want right out.
I never have to unstrap from ATV.
For my fishing needs it just works better.
The end feed is what rocks on this case.
X2 on 2b
Never have to break handles down.
Reels are always ready.
I’m getting ready to deck out my Yamaha kodiak and was debating on doing the jaws of ice auger carrier or the digger auger carrier. I’ve looked at the cheaper ones and wasn’t impressed. So I’m looking for input on either one of these!
I just did mine used jaws of ice love it.
Moose box on rear.
I put mounts on top of the moose box not showing in this picture and I bungee a 2b Ice rod case 48″ on the lid.
Rods are always right where I need them and can be put away quick and secure.
I had the same issue with mine.
I fought it for two years!
Was talking to a CS rep at humminbird and he told me ground was problem.
I checked my ground and it seemed tight.
Took a pliers and tightened the connection and guess what it has not done it 1 time this year.
It is hard to pull ground off battery now.
I used a hand plane on mine and I took a little off sides until they fit.
I have both.
Only used them 1 time each.
New condition.
Not sure I want to sell though.
What is your offer?
The norsk charger is not the one you need for the dakota battery.
The norsk can use the same one as the lead acid batteries.
The dakota uses a 14 volt charger.
I have both batteries and have to use different chargers on both.
Charger is the problem not bad battery
here is from Norsk battery description..
12V, 7.5 AH, 36-42 hours of continuous flasher operation, built in Battery Management System (BMS) circuit (no new charger necessary), 5 hour recharge time, weighs 1.3 lbs
The NORSK Lithium-Ion Battery Charger is designed specifically for the NORSK line of ice batteries. Includes a quick-connect harness for quick and easy connection after a long day on the ice and charge indicator
here is Dakota charger specs..
INPUT 100-240 volts, 50/60HZ. OUTPUT: 14.4 volts, 3.0 amps
It has the 2 inch wide hole in center opening.
Weakest link is that with the plastic release hanging down in the water.
There was no change in that.
Just my thoughts that is why I got rid of mine and will not be getting them again.
@ eyeguy507
I was out their two weeks ago and walked a mile out.
Yes there were places with 14 inches of ice.
But were I fished there was 7 inches.
They plowed a road by me while I was fishing.
And as I was leaving a guy come out on the new road.
Guess what he found.
Slush pocket he came out after dark on that new road.
Welcome to Bitter Lake in day co South Dakota.
And yes they called in for help.
Brand new out of box used once, ran bottles out of propane as it was on high -15 and when i change out the propane it would not restart ! Get back to warm cabin try it again worked proper . Emailed Mr.heater ,they got back to me said it probably needed to be cleaned i called bs it was brand new and worked fine when warm. Never buy one again just POS if you have fiddle with it every time you go out! Kerosene heater all the way cause I like the compact design and less weight with no 20 lb bottle.
Same thing happened last year to me
with 11# tank.
-15 and high wind.
I think the propane was too cold to vaporize.
Heater only did that 1 time.
I do not leave it in back of the pickup on way to lake in below zero temps anymore.
And I do not wait until I am cold to start.
Lesson learned I almost froze.
My brother in law uses them. Seems to like them. I see a lot of false trips on them tho. I’m pretty sure the were expensive. I wanna say $40 each? I don’t have to have them. Catch way more fish jigging one pole while setting the other one on a bucket next to me with a minnow doing its thing. [/quote
I do same as you with my first two lines.
Lines 3 and 4 are always finicky fooler set away from were i am fishing in the otter.
I have never had a false set off.
He needs to put flag clip in the 2nd hole and adjust the o ring for tension.
We can run 4 lines ice fishing in our state.
Running them is a choice and I agree not for everyone.
Hi everyone, I recently have become a fan of the finicky Fooler tip up system! This genius idea is simple to use, easy to store and works terrific! They also pack away nicely and are compact. These in my mind are a much better product then the competitors. Anyone else have the same experience as myself?
great to use and they just plain work. Holes stay open with their cover system.
Add blue tipz and you only go to your hole when you have a fish.
Bungee cord that comes on k-drill to hold orange protector on bottom that covers blades.
My take is that is not part of carrier..
Looks like a cam lock not a bungee cord.
If I am looking at correct picture of Auger Carrier.
I’ll be out for the first time tomorrow morning.
I’ve never been more prepared. I’ve been tinkering with my gear for a good month now.
Amen to that I must have went through every thing 3 times LOL
Going out tommorow also.
Good luck and be safe.
1 of these.
DC 6V-24V 5A PIR Motion Activated Body Sensor Switch with DC Cable for LED Strip Light (roundness(with light sensor), white) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WG65KJ7/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_zTU8Db004R055
Hey guys,
Looking to pick up a couple ABF reels for dead-sticking. It’ll be used for a mix of walleye and pike dead sticking. My main concern is will the ABF-20 hold up for pike? I know an ABF-20 will do fine for walleyes. Possibly bump up to the 30 or 40?
Thanks for the insight.
Yes the 20 will be plenty big for pike. IMO
But opinions vary
I am using okuma ceymar 500 baitfeeder 8 BB and 7# drag.
Nice micro bait feeder.
I took 2 of the 20s off that I bought last year and replaced them with these.
I did it for the size.
I had the Blue Tipz 2 seasons ago, range wasn’t very good, 45′ away and i sometimes would not get an alert on my phone. After it got wet it crapped out on me. I would not recommend those personally. A plus for these was the fact that you could pic your alert sound, I had thunderstruck by ACDC…. However it does look like they have been redesigned.
I just looked up the Ice Vulture System. 1 mile range radio frequency with a 5 week battery life… Please report back, i’d def be interested in these.
I bought them last year and have not had any issues with them going off.
I think they were upgraded last year.
But they do not have range any where near a mile.
sitting in a cabin away from lake I am guessing they would not work well.
I rarely use them over 200 yards
Anyone out there have experience with the ice vulture alert system for tip ups? I had a run in at my lake house in northern WI on Saturday while fishing with my wife, 6, and 9 yr old boys. I received a $180 citation after the warden tripped my flag and it took us 19 minutes to tend to the flag. I’m not complaining, the rule states that you have to immediately tend to a line (he told me he gives a 5 minute time allowance to be standing by the flag). Didn’t take me long to realize I’m not going to be sitting at my window every minute to be watching my flags and at $180 per line (he could have fined me for every line, not just the one he tripped) it could get very expensive very quickly!! So, I invested in the vulture system for all 12 of my tip ups (myself, wife and two boys) which wasn’t a small chunk of change…just hoping they work as well as a couple people told me they do…
I use these and they work well.
I’ve never had any issues with my DIY insulated IFP. The flag seems to trip with any walleye bites and rarely do I get stripped of a minnow. The only two issues that bothers me with an IFP is that it’s a little bulky and the line can freeze into the surface of the hole, unlike a tip-up, so I only use it when it’s a bit warmer.
I did pick up a Finicky Fooler to try this season. I haven’t had it on the ice yet. One issue I can see right off the bat is that I like to add a jingle bell to the flag of my IFP and Beaver Dam tip ups. It allows me to hear the flags go up more easily, although you can hear an IFP pretty well because the flag arm often smacks the plastic body. The FF has that flimsy plastic arm that won’t tolerate the weight of a bell.
As far as panfish tip-ups, I don’t see how that’s effective, unless you’re using it to locate were a school of <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>crappies are roaming. It would drive me nuts to try and deal with a <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bluegill set line every two minutes.
I have two FF and love them.
I set mine up with blue tipz so it tells me through my phone.
I had to put a piece of heat srink tube on the fiberglass flag rod to make it bigger but set up works great.
I have the hole cover and do not have to clean hole all the time it stays open.
So I can sit in my flip over in the warm and it will do it’s thing outside with out any freeze ups.
Works for me.
This may work.
You are more man than me. I could not image using my 6″ K-drill without the handle attached. Be careful. I know of several guys who have wrist injuries from the auger catching and the drill twisting in the wrist.
I just let the auger do the work I do not put downward force on it when drilling.
You do have to hang on tight and be ready.
But no wrist issues for me.
I do have the drill handle along in case I need it.
FINICKY FOOLER all the way
Yep have two with covers no freeze ups and they just work.
No need to put release on your line.
Sold my ifish pros and have been using two of these since last year.
I run k drill 8 inch.
Do not have a plate.
I do not even use handle that came with drill.
Works great this way.
Less weight to pull around and more important to me is takes up less room.