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  • walleyejgl
    Posts: 6

    I’ve actually run into that same problem, I had norton and another spyware program and it would disable my norton. I removed my other spyware and just left norton and it seems to be working fine. I sent a message to Norton asking them if there program is good alone. They responded that Norton should be able to take care of all things if run automaticaly. So maybe that will help you,

    Posts: 6

    Although I’m new and didn’t have a chance to meet Travis, The things you all have said showed he was a very good man. To lose someone like him is a great loss.

    Travis “May god give you the wind to open your wings, May he give you the water to cast your pole, May god give you the happiness you did not find here, Bring with you the memories and love of the people you’ve left behind.”


    Posts: 6

    Some people would protest to saying Ronald was a true american. But I believe he was nothing of short of it. what a guy. He is a great loss to America.
    to the soldiers that have served and given there life for the purpose of freedom. “May god grant you the happiness and freedom you’ve bestowed on us”
    You’ll always be in my heart Sean and Mark.(Lost in Iraq)

    Posts: 6

    Thank you it’s an honor to be a member. I’m located in rochester.


    Posts: 6

    Although I didn’t have a chance to know him. He will be in my prayers. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
    As I look through these forums. I’m amazed at all the help and support people give eachother. It’s trully an honor to be a part of it. There is no greater power than prayer.

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