Yup. Free ranged fowl do get a little chewy. Tough birds can be “softened” pretty easy just by lowering and lengthening your cooking time/temp. I aim for about 300 to 325 for 2-3 hours if I’m roasting and just below ‘medium’ heat if pan fry’n for about 45 min or so. And always start with a fully thawed out meat. We’ve been free ranging our chickens for several years now. We sell our surplus on occasion along with a steady sale of eggs and live birds; chicks to full grown fowl (layers and meat). Cottage food laws here in MN won’t let us ship our food products, but we can sell “off our back porch” all day long. Live birds we transport ourselves to nearly anywhere in the state. So long as we don’t cross state lines the Government is happy. Among the chickens we are getting into rabbits now with goats and heritage swine in the future. ….and don’t get me started on our 4+ acres of gardens….heh Kinda wish we were closer-ish to the cities to reach a larger market for what we do. Eh, then I wouldn’t be so close to my favorite fishing lakes.

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