Tri-county canal, south central Nebraska. Less than 50 yards wide, less than 12′ deep, 50-70lb. flatheads every year.

Posts: 14
Tri-county canal, south central Nebraska. Less than 50 yards wide, less than 12′ deep, 50-70lb. flatheads every year.
I e-mailed BrianK a couple of pictures, he said he’d post them up, thank you BrianK. After e-mailing them, realized 1 picture was of a fish that was only 45-ish, too late, had already hit send….As far as “passing it on”, it’s ironic that my love of the outdoors was never absorbed by my kids. Took them, taught them, but it never was a priority for them. Also have shown a few others in the last 10 years or so. In hindsight, I wish I hadn’t. I release anything over 15lbs., and begged the few I took to do the same. 1 guy did, when I was with him, but kept everything when I wasn’t. Another guy, well, I had a “falling out” with him a couple years ago, haven’t had anything to do with him since. I got tired of him showing up to the dock a half hour late, at least, rarely brought bait the last year or 2 we fished together, then get on my boat and proceed to critic everything I did! And I’M the one who taught HIM how to do it! He slept in my house many, many times during the “all nighters”, my wife cooking for us each and every time, but I never once got an invite from him to share a meal at his house. All take and not much give, ‘ya know? I have no one to blame but myself, just a poor judge of character on my part. Lastly, the tri-county here in Nebraska is just 1 long canal, over 100 miles long with reservoirs every so often. Boy, my finger is sore after all that, and since I rarely post anything, I’ll just say good luck and good fishing.
How about several over 60lbs., 1 over 70lbs.? I’m a lurker, rare for me to post anything. The pics are in a file in this computer, just not computer literate enough to post them. I’m an old man from another generation, am typing this with my right index finger, literally….I might not know anything about computers, but I can damn sure catch flatheads. URL, UBB, cookies, it’s all Greek to me
I wash my hands with mud from the bank where I’m fishing before I bait my poles.
I’m from Nebraska and although a member, rarely post. Here, as long as it’s a legally caught fish from the same body of water, ie. size/possession limit, you can use ANYTHING for bait. Bullhead, carp, crappie, white bass, drum, walleye if ‘ya want as long as it meets the slot limit!!!!!!!
I’ve used a vertical presentation for years on the tri-county canal here in south-central Nebraska. I’m fishing VERY tight to some thick, nasty cover and it’s the only way to present the live bait on THE spot without gettin’ hung up. I’m fishing within 10′ of the bank, usually less than 6′ of water. I try to suspend the bait within 2′ of the surface, sometimes less depending on the water depth directly beneath the bait. I’m going with 150# Power Pro this year, having used Cabela Tuff Line 130# in the past. Hope this might add a little “food for thought”.
There are 60#+ flatheads caught from Branched Oak Reservoir in Nebraska every year. The catch is, it’s C+R only on flatheads there …..My vote is the tri-county canal system in central Nebraska(or is this a Minnesota thing only?) Can’t we Nebraska boys play?
I’ll put in my 2cents. Here in Nebraska your limit is 4 a day. I have set my personal limit at 12#, anything over goes back unharmed ’cause I use circle hooks and get ‘um back in the water ASAP (normally less than 60 seconds). I’ve only taught a couple people outside my immediate family my “system”. I made the mistake of teaching one guy who keeps ALL, whether 5# or 50#. I’m still kicking myself in the *** for that….Yet he’ll be the guy scratching his head 10 years from now wondering where did all the big flatheads go??!! Over 10-12# LET THEM GO, GUYS AND GALS,PLEASE I’m beggin’ ya..
I’ve never caught a smallmouth, so can’t make a comparison…However, how many smallmouth are there over 10#, ’cause where I live (central Ne) 10# wipers are common. Have caught dozens in the 12#-15# class, and can only say you’d better go with good equipment and retie after 2 fish or they will put a HURTIN’ on you and your $40 rod/reel combo from walmart. They’ll fry your drag on cheap reels, leave your heart racin’ and your knees shakin’!!!! My wiper rig of choice, PENN spinning reel/12# BerkleyXT, Cabelas 7′ med.heavy fisheagle2 rod. These are open water fish that’s how I get by with 12# line…
Have pictures, but are 35mm. Don’t have much computer experience, don’t know how to post the pics……However, there is a guy from Ne. Game and Parks in the process of doing an article on my flathead fishin’. Has been out once a few weeks ago; will be out on the 18th, 19th this month to do 2 nights in a row. Hopefully will be able to put a big one in the boat for him.