A couple of issues here. For Helix updates you must have the update 2.280 on any G2, G3, G4 graph if the graph is < 2.280 when purchased, this is mandatory prior to updating the current update 2.800. When you update to 2.280 it deletes the basemap which you must update if you plan to use the new Lakemaster VX chips. The 2.280 update is on the website for each graph along with the basemap update for each graph. There is a basemap for the Helix 5-8 and a different basemap update for Helic 9-12. Make sure to encrypt your SD card prior to the update then download any of the updates to the card and it will know which update to apply to each graph. Be patient too. The update files are now much larger than in the past and it takes the graph a long time to recognize the new update 5- 8 minutes is common.
timothy A Winterhalter
Posts: 14