Craigslist is a great to find an affordable used unit or new ones are sale at Fleet Farm. There are plenty of opinions around here about which ones are best.
I had a sunflower on low for three hours last night and never got chilly! Last night was breezy and I had no problem maneuvering the shack. If you were going to move 30 yards, I would probably collapse it and pop it up in your new spot. It is that easy.
Al, have you run into a situation where you really needed a floor in the quickfish? I have been out in my QF3 a couple of times with no problems. The flipovers don’t have a floor, why does a popup need one?
uffdapete – the new model has redesigned zippers. I believe the original green model had a vertical zip. The new ones have a half-diamond shape zipper. It is still tight at the ends but if you use both zips it works fine.
Poindingeyes said it all very well. I think that you might have a bit of trouble locating one right now. Fleet Farm had a sale going and they sold out rather quick. I had to order one off ebay for a few bucks more. They are not as mobile as a flipover once your on the ice but they are very nice
I believe that I read somewhere that Les is hanging it up! The docs say that starving himself for a week, several times per year, is too much for his body.