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  • triplejdog
    Posts: 5

    Yeah that’s what i thought, the post was pulled. Clumsy i guess…

    Posts: 5

    Up until this morning, when clicking on that link, you got a blank forum that said “access denied” or whatever just like when a political post gets deleted. I’m sure someone else can verify that it wasn’t just me seeing that. I’m not trying to change any minds, not sure why you are so defensive? I simply signed up to voice an opinion like everyone else. Censorship happens everywhere, and up until this morning that post was a pretty good example. Like I said already, I like this forum and I like other forums, I’ve lurked for some time, but thinking censoring only happens other places is just plain false and to think that if Frabill didn’t whip out a massive check made out to IDO that soon enough they wouldn’t be “the best in the business” instead of the current pimp in town is just naïve. $$$$ sure has made the outdoor experience a bit sour lately and that is across the board anywhere you go. Fine if you are cashing checks or part of the ice team or ice force or ice squad or whatever the heck it is, but not so fine for people being hoodwinked into thinking they need a transducer connected to a $1000 pc to catch a few crappies through the ice.

    Posts: 5

    Well, notice I didn’t say that every post made by James was pushing product. Your example is a good one. But as a whole this site heavily leans towards promoting Ice Force products. Some will say that is because they are the best and I’m not even saying that is false because they have great products, but what I am saying is that EVERY substantial fishing forum across the country is the same way. Not just that Shanty one. Go to em all, Lake State, Angler Insider, Fishing MN (or whatever they call it now), Walleye Central, they all operate the SAME way. This site is no different. Get on the wrong side of a mods belief on any site and you will find the door quickly.

    And thanks for the warm welcome mplspug, I do appreciate it.

    Back to lurking I guess.

    Posts: 5

    Ok, long time lurker here but finally signed up to respond to this one. I really enjoy this site, but lets be totally honest here. All sites are essentially created equal. If this site was any different than the rest, you would not see any ads at all flashing in your face or Ice Team products shoved down your throat. Post DO get regularly deleted here as well as members being banned for trivial reasons. Just like it happens everywhere else. You run into mods that are pretty cool and mods that are jackwads.

    If you think James doesn’t steer this site in the direction of his sponsors you are all drinking the kool aid and if for some reason the current relationship was severed you would see the same thing happen with new sponsors and the lemmings would follow right along. I mean heck try to read just ONE post from that guy up on rainy lake without seeing a mention of product name, its so predictable its comical.

    As with any fishing forum, just follow the money trail.

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