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  • TripleA
    Posts: 655

    It’s the same setup as my vette. Its electronic buttons to open the door, not an actual latch. Without battery it will not work, that’s why they have the release on the floor. Typical worthless POS to sue because that’s what everyone does these days. It’s just sad. Take some accountability for your own actions.

    Posts: 655

    Old white dudes ashamed of their skin color……only in liberal gutters of America !

    My uncle , a highly book smart, far left liberal & a long time college professor at an art school, tried to bring up some of those views during a recent visit up here……I just laughed and reminded him that we are not the problem. It’s not a race war being raged in America. It’s a class war & despite this administration being run by our POTUS, a billionaire, his policies are doing great things for us well south of the billionaire class.

    Those stuck on race, are the problem.

    Only issue with that is they are actually winning. Schools have been hijacked by the left, look at the millenials….

    Unfortunately they will win in the end based purely on numbers. Too many indoctrinated with the liberal thinking, not enough of us to pay for it in the long run. Oh well, enjoy life day by day.

    Posts: 655

    1 million out of his first 39 million is 2.5%, that excludes the monster money he gets from Nike. He will be around the few percentage range as the years go on as he donates more than typical Hollywood. That’s the part many seem to miss, the celebs convince the peons to send money and help while tweeting from their 4th, $10 million dollar house in the Caribbean. If he really cared why not live in a rambler style house and donate all that cash? I guess he really only cares “so much” just like everyone else….. Nothing special.

    As for the soldiers, like I said it APPEARS to be they disagree. I didn’t send a poll out to them, just the ones I know and what I read.

    Posts: 655

    Yawn, buncha old white dudes who somehow think Kaepernick is protesting or disgracing the military still don’t get it.

    I hope Nike gives Kaepernick hundreds of millions of dollars just to rub it in all of your faces. And then I hope Kaepernick spends a large percentage of that money(like he already has) supporting the cause he’s passionate about.

    I can now add ________

    a bunch of usernames on this site to the growing list of people in the US totally hoodwinked by the worst, greediest, ass-backwards, furthest removed from reality administration in our country’s history.

    If you somehow interpret Kaep’s actions as disrespectful to the military, people are laughing at you. And those people are the billionaires who continue to grow their grotesque fortunes as you are too busy getting caught up in another smear campaign by our beloved POTUS.



    Once again, it’s socially acceptable and considered not a big deal to profile “old white dudes” but absolutely no other race class or creed.

    Kaepernick can be your hero, but I bet most “old white dudes” give more of there net income to charity than old Kap.

    Also- most soldiers seem to disagree with you, not many appear to support him.

    Posts: 655

    agree or disagree with the message he wanted to get out, we’re still (and should be) talking about the mistreatment of minorities by some in our police force.

    I would rather put my money towards a guy who has the ba77s to stand up for what he believes in than some of these players who are on kid number 7 or 8 (see Adrian Peterson) and will never spend a single day as their father. look at all the kids wearing AP jerseys, great role model there parents. if you don’t want to buy nike, then don’t. but keep an open mind knowing that most of us will never worry about our sons in ways an african american father does.

    I watch most of the bad shoots cops have on youtube. Plenty are justified, some are not.

    Main thing I see in them that lead to a bad shooting is non-compliance. Simple listening skills would prevent 90% of them….. teach kids how to listen.

    Posts: 655

    Poor fools….. kids are smoking rasberry flavored e-cigs. Leave it to the government to be 10 years behind. Those politicians will sleep well knowing they can campaign on their big fight against tobacco while alcohol wrecks more lives on accident. Looks like another politically correct out of touch law by dummies.

    Worst case scenario kids head to Wisconsin for menthol tobacco.
    (See Sunday alcohol sales ban for referance)

    Posts: 655

    $1500 transducers…

    Posts: 655

    Lucky wolves and bears dont eat fawns or we would have to chain them to rocks…..

    It was an accident, many on here shoot deer yearly. Don’t beat yourself up over it.

    Posts: 655

    I haven’t even turned our AC on yet. Acclimate to the heat.

    68F in my house year-round… I get to work outside all day, no need to sleep in a pool of sweat for me!

    Posts: 655

    I hate nasty snakes. Oh well.

    Posts: 655

    Treat them like any other fisherman. Within the tournament itself they will usually allow eachother more room.

    Posts: 655

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>TripleA wrote:</div>
    Again what is more dangerous, a human or a dog?……

    What kind of question is that?

    The answer could be both.

    For those that have lost a loved one to either…ask pool2fools wife or her parents what was more dangerous.

    It’s not even close. Not even by a longshot.

    Posts: 655

    Seems like spark because it only misses at high rpm and its intermittent. I’m no mechanic though*

    I would run new plugs and replace gas lines to start.

    Posts: 655

    I think a of people simply haven’t had a lot of exposure to dogs, liking them or otherwise, and simply tense up when one is around and the dog responds to that. Dogs can sense this.However, it’s the homeowner’s responsibility to keep an animal in check either by leash or a fence, not only along the front public walk but also on the walk from the public walk to the front entry, especially if mail is delivered directly to the house. Delivery people and postal workers probably lodge the most complaints about dogs and some will carry mace or other spray deterrents. I think that in the case of a fed ex or whatever delivery guy assuming safe passage to the front door should be the homeowner’s responsibility by keeping any and all animals in the house if they are expecting a delivery. I had a springer spaniel I could not leave on the front enclosed porch until AFTER the mail had been delivered because he had this thing for the mailman’s fingers slipping the mail thru the slot. The same dog could sit on the front steps when the mailman came and delivered the mail in the slot and the mailman could pet and wrestle with the hounds all he wanted under those circumstances.

    For the most part I love dogs and yet have been chewed on a couple time that were definitely my fault. Once was not my fault. Ma and I walk almost every day and we encounter dogs in yard and with people while on leashes and my protocol is to ask if the dog is friendly or to hold out the back of my hand so said critter can smell before I pet. I’ve never kicked a dog, but I have cuffed a couple saying NO. I guess I can see someone who has less confidence in dogs kicking to put a dog at bay if he/she should feel threatened on a public venue but if they are on private property or reaching into private property maybe they should just assume that the dog will assume that they shouldn’t be there and may react in that manner. Right, wrong or otherwise will always come down to whether its a private property or public venue issue. If I had a dog that liked to bark and run up to the sidewalk, fence or no, I’d have said dog confined to the back yard…..end of public issue.

    Again what is more dangerous, a human or a dog?……

    Posts: 655

    On your property or not, you are responsible for your animal’s actions. If the delivery man was walking up to your door on your property you are still at fault if your dog attacks. This would obviously not apply if an intruder was approaching your house on your property. I would be thankful if I were you that this did not end up worse for your dog.

    “If the dog attacks” I agree.

    If someone intimidating walks up to you do you instantly start punching??? Nope!

    Posts: 655

    I think the only way I could be on the OP’s side was if someone on the street initiated the meeting by stopping or talking to the dog and then changed their mind when the dog started running towards them.
    We walk our dogs down a dirt road in the country and always have dogs running up to us. I unsure of the outcome every single time I see another dog heading our way. The Mrs does not walk far enough to have this happen to her alone because of what could happen.
    For reference we are animal people, and she is a vet tech.
    Generally the only time I feel comfortable with a dog running up to me is when it has that big stupid smile on it’s face.

    So you instantly kick every dog that approaches You? Ohh you don’t??? …

    Shoulda whooped that dude or at least tried….

    Posts: 655

    Only issue is you yelled at him, that was well past the point of words….

    Posts: 655

    I didn’t know canoes could not carry AIS??? Interesting……

    Plan looks like it should, made by a politician who’s never owned a boat.

    Posts: 655

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Forgive me but I think he maybe deserves it. He is just a kid who saw his friends and classmates gunned down in school. I really doubt any of us here have had to deal with something like that. At worse we maybe had a classmate killed in a car wreck. This kid was in a place where other KIDS were shot and killed. KIDS, these KIDS are just KIDS.

    Kudos to him for standing up for something he believes in. If that makes him a media whore so be it.


    Nothing like listening to KIDS for wisdom and advice on what makes the world work……. tons of “experience” to draw from there.

    It’s weird there is a lot involved in the SAME incident but doesn’t get the coverage because he is pro-gun. ??? (See agenda)

    Posts: 655

    Gender neutral bathrooms are a thing. Why would this surprise anyone?

    Posts: 655

    $25 fishing pole from Wal-Mart and some nightcrawlers from your moms backyard is the cheap way to fish.

    50k boats and hundreds of lures that will never get wet is the common approach.

    It’s all perspective.

    But yes everything costs more these days as payscales are also much higher.

    Posts: 655

    I have 1 talon. Works great. Wind will push the bow but you can simply balance with the trolling motor. Harder when wind is blowing into the shallows as you wont want to be pounding the trolling motor as the wake will be pushing into your fishing target area.

    2 is best obviously. On an 18ft you would be fine.

    I got a 12ft for $1500 new online.

    Posts: 655

    If you net hundreds/thousands of pregnant mothers in a hospital every year and eat them how many babies will be born?….



    No argument holds water against it.

    A hook catches one fish at a time and is managed based solely on itself, a net does not pick what it catches and is managed as a bundle. The ENTIRE DNR quota for MN anglers is an equation they guess at for hooking mortality based on water temp, yet every ramp is not monitored for exact numbers of netted and caught fish which is easily possible. (See the 16 year olds that have 2 per ramp on other lakes checking for invasives if you need evidence.) The DNR had the guts to ask for a fisheries lab on mille lacs when they can’t even keep track of catch counts! Why am I not surprised a government institution wants to spend more money and gain zero results??? It is the new norm!

    Old news, same story. Politics literally run everything these days.

    Posts: 655

    Why wouldn’t he submit an insurance claim? That seems weird.

    As my uncle went through insurance will send someone out to find a reason to say it was a factory issue and the factory will claim you hit something. Then if your extremely persistent for a year or two and cost the said dealership enough sales you will get a new boat. Sad really. No need for a lifetime warranty if they will just claim you hit something.

    Posts: 655

    I was always taught nothing in life is free. I guess I always assumed the advertising is their revenue for the FREE service. When an ad pops up for something you just searched, just like any other site I would guess that’s the internet logging your info and I think thats great. If you voluntarily enter a bunch of personal information on the INTERNET you would be stupid to think it’s not going to be seen by everyone, don’t put it on the web maybe??? Logic!

    Just like anything you sign up for to win Free prizes, they sell that info, so I simply don’t sign up for FREE* stuff very often.

    I also quit FB long ago anyways.

    Posts: 655

    This is what I use

    I second this. I also only have a 90hp motor, potentially not as good for larger motors?

    Apparently Ranger sells there boats with these too I heard???

    I’m not really looking to tell someone what to do or what not to do. A poll of what people use would be interesting. My estimate would be that about ~50% use a traditional transom saver, 30% use a wedge or something similar, and ~20% use nothing at all.

    I run a traditional transom saver on my 115hp Optimax. It has not given me any problems, and therefore I do not plan to change. It also is almost impossible to forget about. The my-wedge could be easily forgotten.

    The only thing that really bothers me is when I see people with their main motor tilted up for clearance purposes (mainly older boats), with no transom saver or wedge of any sort going down the road. That is asking for a disaster.

    If you have power trim you wont forget about the my wedge because you wont be able to get on plane if it’s installed.

    Posts: 655

    Needs to be the 2.25″ ram mount for any 7″ or larger graph. That’s what I have found will keep it solid.

    Posts: 655

    Just have people make “MN DNR accounts” that way we can pay the regular dues and the DNR can have a database that updates an app on their cell phones three times a day. Be done with the hassle of running to fleet farm 3-4 times a year. The entire system is sham. Just a way to drum up business for bait shop owners and big retail chains like, previously, Gander, currently, Scheels, Fleet, anywhere with licenses. What a pissing contest. They don’t give a damn about convenience or a free market.

    If you have ever seen inflated state contracts you could guess how many millions it would cost to implement live cell phone updates multiple times a day to all DNR…. good in theory but lacking in foresite.

    Easiest way is to simply BUY a 3 year fishing on the DNR website. Print it 10x though and save to your phone because once you exit if you even want to see a copy to print again you have to pay $2….. figure that one out.

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