Rods reduced
Esp Open water ESP 76 MedFast… $225+ postage
Genesis 69 MHFast…$140+ postage
Buy both for $350 TYD Insured
Rods reduced
Esp Open water ESP 76 MedFast… $225+ postage
Genesis 69 MHFast…$140+ postage
Buy both for $350 TYD Insured
Spring…Longer (7′-7’5″)… quality ML-Med fast action rods and Hi Viz low stretch 6# copolymer line, just like the IDO guys in current and/or windy conditions. Braid blows out in either case…
Fall, good clarity, low water or less current I switch to Berkley Nanofil braid and a fluoro leader…Light-MedLight long (7’6″) rods. Just my style
Everts main dock is broke and closed for repairs per Stacy yesterday…
I am making a return to the sacred waters next week with a few Yoopers
Last time I saw Brian it was a tasty Polish beer…Last time I fished with James we had a ball chucking little green hair jigs…caught some tankers
17′ Blue n Silver G-3 with a Yammy 115 SHO.
Sorry I didn’t get to see you Tommy!
I missed you too…and my yearly Polish beer
The jigs I tie I learned from a great Pool 4 guide, Dustin Stewart. They mimic
the early migration of Pin shad etc…I’ve never used minnows on P4…they just kill the action of the hair jig for me…1st trip was with James Holst 20 years ago. I use Hair, plastics, and an occasional blade (if I’m desperate )…Love to just cast jigs…Hair jigs work all year.
Thanks! I’m heading to Pool 4 Monday morning for a 4 day Yooper Adventure…I’ll be out there in a 2018 G3 Blue/Silver w a 115 Yammy SHO…Hope to see some IDOers out there We’ll be at Everts…Lots of memories…this is my 60th trip to the “sacred waters”
Great show and fun to watch your Episodes PJ!
I have spent several (30) years traveling from Iron Mountain to DePere in the early spring and late fall and its always very productive. In my older years now I tend to avoid night fishing, especially by myself (during Covid). No doubt the bigger fish move up to their preferred thermal spots then…as do the Shad
Lately I’m trying tying more bouyant hair jigs to mimic those Shad with some success…Looking for forage on the Sonar, not walleyes, and avoiding the crush of boats below the Dam.
Ill PM you my phone number…you will get a flashing icon next to your name upper left screen
You have any 3000 Tom…2000 to small for what I do in open water…
Thats why I’m selling some of these CX 2000s Chris…switched to 7’6″ rods for Green Bay, LBDN and (hopefully) Cheq Bay Replacing with CX 3000s. The 2000s are great for rods 7′ and under.
A long time ago you introduced me to the Mississippi (Moving Waters Guiding) on Pool 4…We struggled through a windless 100+ degree day…seeking refuge at the old Pickle Barrel…I though hmmmm this is a very sharp determined guy. Invited me to the Electric Angler and encouraged me to start Guiding etc… Congratulations James! You’ve worked hard through a lot of adversity to succeed… Good News!
I just missed the filming on the Fox River by a couple days…been having a ball there for the past few weeks!
Interesting Nord,
I bought a leftover 2018 G3 17 Angler last year with a 2019 115 SHO… No issues whatsoever. I ran a 2001 FV115 for 17 years w/o a hiccup. This SHO is even better!…Hope your dealer comes through.
Its ALWAYS a good time to fish hairjigs!!! I have a hairjig rod and ringworm rod rigged on the deck ALWAYS on Pool 4 I like the hair fairly robust and about the size of a small shad…with a bit of flashabou along the lateral line… Jeff (Trumar) can take care of you…
I’ve steered clear of the crowds, and hopefully a few of the fish have as well. It’s been a perfect storm of a lot of people not working or working limited amounts, added to decent weather and not a ton of flooding that has created the crowds.
Hopefully COs are out enforcing the new limits and those fishing are practicing a selective harvest knowing enforcement is difficult with massive crowds.
On a side note, I’d still be in-favor of greatly extending some sort of fishing santcuary or no fishing area further below the dam. Every time I hear someone with limited river experience tell me “we nailed the saugers one after another but they were mostly shorts”, it’s easy to imagine a lot of eagle food floating down from the deep scour holes.
Amen to that! For years that has been the case during winter fishing into March… Let em spawn before they’re gone…
I am here periodically… started with a guide trip booked with James back in 1999… I was on Prostaff for a few years too… You sure did have some whiteys John! That GTGs we had were a blast! I had the best time when I bunked in with Bobber and Hooks (miss him
) I’m 74 now and still fishing and Guiding…
although I’m looking at replacement parts soon
Hi Viz 100% fluorocarbon by K-9 line…very supple,strong and super thin diameter… or Gamma Orange Copoly
Says it’s medium, not medium light Tom.
Thanks Dusty…I shouldn’t type when I’m tired
I’m selling a MXF
Tom, what were you using this rod for? I’m looking for another jigging rod….vertical live bait type. Mainly 1/4 and 3/8 oz.
I’m using an mlxf now…..would this be a good rod for that?
Absolutely…I use this model for lots of things…Vertical jigging with blades and plastics, pitching to lay downs and wingdams…also jerkbaits for Smallies
……..The MLXF is rated for 1/16-3/8 and 4-8# line
………….The MXF is rated for 1/8-1/2 and 6-10# line
The MXF has just as sensitive a tip section, but with more backbone and versatility…For years it was “the” stick on Pool 4…It is much more effective with plastics to get a successful hook set and also handles blades up to 1/2 oz great and vertical jigging with plastics.
It will do everything the MLXF can do and more!
ST Croix lists their current factory stock model at $200 on their website… WOW!
If sale falls through, let me know.
Thanks Tweed,you got a great deal.
PM sent…