Hi I have just recently purchased a 2007 G3 172 Angler with a 115 HP Yamaha and just wanted to know if anyone has experienced the same problems that I have had. When I first took it out I had a hard time to get it on plane, it had a 3 blade 13 X 19 prop on it and it took forever to plane I changed the prop to a 4 blade 13 x 19 still not much better, researched it a bit more and I added a dol-phin and went to a 4 blade 13.5 x 15 now it has a better hole shot and gets on plane quicker, at full throttle I am running a 6000 rpm and 38 mph thats with 2 people and gear and full tank of gas and if I throttle back 4700 rpm I run about 27 mph and it cruises nicely but I can still only get about the front 1/3 of the boat out of the water, is this normal for this to happen on these boats, I had an 19 ft starcraft with a 115hp e tec and I could get almost 3/4 of the boat out of the water it just seamed to plane a lot better. I have noticed that this boat seem’s to be bow heavy and if I do get half of the boat out of the water it planes nice but any slight wave I hit and it will start to cavitate and I have to bring the trim back in. Has anyone else had this happen and if so is this normal for this boat.