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  • thompkevin
    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    a black russian terrier

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26


    Banning public use of public waterways would also limit unwanted spreads.
    Would that pound of prevention, be worth a ton of cures?

    I think you are missing the point. The public waterways are just that, PUBLIC. We cannot go banning the use of these waterways. What I am trying to do is to slow down the spread of these invasive species. Nothing that we do short of closeing these waterways or just plain killing off the lakes that are infected will stop the spread. I am not sure if you are just trying to tick me off or mayby I am just not sure what you are trying to say.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26


    By your logic banning recreational use of public waters
    would be well worth it too.

    what is this suppose to mean????

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    I am thankful for all the feedback I have gotten so far. From my understanding, It would not be a wise choice to try to get this passed into law. I guess I just thought that if it was mandatory to have this or a similar product that it would help with the spread of these evasive species. I guess that was targeted more to the people that don’t give a rats butt what harm thay cause to our lakes and our fragile eco-system. I am sure that everyone here is responsible enough to do their part in cleaning off their boats and trailers. Please keep the feedback comeing.
    P.S. This device is not a spray bar, I researched and tested that option and found it to be pretty much useless.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    This device is not going to “stop” the spread but to help reduce the spread of invasive species. As far as the DNR is concerned, An ounce of prevention is worth its weight in gold. I am not saying that this is a cure for this problem and yes, there is going to be oppinions on the pros and cons of this but i think it will help.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    If I can get this passed, It would apply to all waterbound crafts including sailboats and personal watercrafts.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    Outlaw carpeted bunks!! I am only kidding, I am curently researching that problem and hopefully will come up with a solution.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    In minnesota, You can be fined but The dnr have to prove that you were not going to take your craft to a washing bay or something like that.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    I agree that it wont solve the problem of bait buckets and other things that hold water inside the boat, My main concern is for the species that attach to the outside of the craft and are not removed. The inside of the craft and its water holding’s is still the responsibility of the owner or opporator of said craft.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    I am not sure about the winter time, I guess if you take your craft into the open water, then yes. It will be up to the DNR to make the regs for this device. I am hopeing that it will work as well as the research has proven.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    where is chester wood??? I took my 2 sons to rochester to fish and ended up fishing silver lake cause I could not find chester wood.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    was fishing on cannon lake and got into a school of crappies whose average length was around fourteen inches. I got spoiled on the cannon crappies and so it just fit for a screen name.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    thanks to all who replied to this thread. The dog has found a really good home on a farm that has alot of room to run and a couple of ponds to swim in. I am just glad he found a good home.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    The dog is still available and he is still free. someone please take him, I dont want to see him put down.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    he is three years old. thanks and let me know what your friends say.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    thanks brian, your a big help!!! I am actualy an eye’s fisherman but me and my son were out fishing and caught some bass that he wanted to keep and I couldn’t say no. Thanks to everyone else who were a little more helpfull than others.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    well, I guess Im a true Minnesotan then

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    Last night I tried the narrows and came up empty. Me, my son and a buddy of mine got there at around 11:00 and started fishing. The moon was about 3/4 full and the winds were relitively calm. My son started with a minnow and a lighted bobber but switched to a floating rap after about an hour. me and my buddy both threw 3″ tails ( white, orange and chartruce) for awhile and then switched over to differant raps. we stayed there untill about 2:00 am and did not catch any fish. Not sure what we were doing wrong but none of us even had a bite. There was one plus to the whole night and that came about an hour and a half after we got there. I was standing there looking at the moon (wondering where the fish were) when in the distance a pack of either wolfs or coyotes started to howl. My son (13 years old) looks at me and asked me what they were. I looked at him and told him and he said that even though we were not cathcing fish, Hearing those sounds made the whole night worth while. I could only smile and agree with him.
    If anyone has any other ideas about where to catch the wallys , please post it. thanks to those that replied.

    Austin Mn
    Posts: 26

    Thanks james, I have tried fishing the narrows but always left at dark. I will try staying later and see what happens

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