That isnt crap ive personally shot 4 does right in the vitals and since I shoot my drenlin at the minimal weight,I have’nt had a passthrough yet, and with only one hole in the deer and a very high shootin angle from above,yes I have freddie crouger blood trail for 50yds ,but since they dont pass through the cavity just fills up with blood.I have also had very bad luck in situations where people or tractors or coyots havnt let these deer lay down,which is very critical when you dont have a passthrough shot and the deer does a death run,I will never use a rage ever again and will go back to any 3 piece broad head ,which I did switch back to and the very first doe that came by got smoked, it ran 25yds and that was it.well as for me rage is all hipe.It does have a great entry hole and thats about it…by the way last year I shot around 5 or 6 deer including the one In my pic and did not wound any and I used three piece fixed broadheads I also put in many many hrs looking for all these does and didnt recover any of them even days later and ive still never bumped into any carcus,all these shots wher under 15yds believe it or not so if your thinking about buying rages think again..