The problem these days is there are SO many cartridge choices and so much overlap between them. And since most of us target mostly whitetail, once you get to .243/6 MM and larger, they all will kill a whitetail with authority.
I will tell you, there is a LOT to be said for keeping it simple once you have kids and spouses that hunt. Because I’m a rifle guy, I have a lot of rifles of various calibers and once the kids started hunting, what a cluster#### keeping all the ammo straight and making sure nobody picks up a magazine that doesn’t belong with their rifle, or extra cartridges that won’t fit because a .243 looks a lot like a 6.5 CM, etc, etc, etc.
I’ve started standardizing on the 6.5 CM so now both boys and I all have rifles that use that round. So as much fun as it is to get new rifles in new-to-you cartridges, there’s a lot to be said for simplicity. The two deer I shot with the 6.5 CM were hammered like lightning hit them.
I have noticed a recent trend that I knew was inevitable when it comes to the 6.5 CM. It’s being criticized for being a deer wounder. Well of course it is, now that everybody and their dog has one–surprise!–we’re going to see some wounded deer. That has nothing to do with the 6.5 being a bad choice in and of itself.
Guys, I work at the gun club during sight-in and have you guys REALLY watched Mr. Average MN/WI hunter shoot? I mean, seriously observed their skills? In total honesty, off of a field-typical rest like a shooting rail, I HIGHLY, HIGHLY doubt the average MN and WI rifle deer hunter could put 10 shots on a paper plate. Yes, yes, of course they’re better than that off of a cement bench and a stack of sandbags, but NOT that much better. The hardest part of helping these guys figure out what to do is that they SO inconsistent due to a lack of trigger time.
Anyway…6.5 CM vs 7 MM-08 vs 270 Win. Hardly a practical lick of difference between them for whitetail IMO. Any “advantage” one has over the other is purely situational and, of course, depends entirely on how often you expect to encounter that situation. Bullet weights also offer a lot of overlap between these cartridges, so it’s hard to point to one of these and say it won’t do something.
IMO, I think the inclination to standardize is the way to go. I would NOT dismiss the idea of more 6.5 CM. There is nothing wrong with the .270 Win either and there never will be.