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  • thedeuce
    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    It was good to meet alot of you IDA’ers. And it was good to see that Koonce had such an open ear to the story of Slop’s first deer.

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11



    Happy Birthday Deuce!!

    Yes, don’t forget The Deuce!!! Happy Birthday, bud!

    Thanks…B.C…thought your birthday was tomorrow?

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    So maybe I should narrow this down to women that are 70 and older??

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11


    Yeah Duece, why pick on me all of a sudden?

    LOL, sorry herb. Let’s just say I had a few run-ins on the road today. The first one was an old lady that was traveling down the wrong way of a one-way street. She ended up t-boning an SUV and the SUV flipped over.

    And, another old lady in a 1980’s Caprice Classic cut me off and almost got into my front fender when I was coming back from lunch.

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    Hmmm…I put my girlfriend’s full name in there and she’s a vibrator tester.

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    Ya never know, there may be some wardens up nort’ here dat vould actually fall for dat vun.

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    That was good, Mack! Thanks for the laugh!!


    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    Yes, we had alot of fun Saturday night. I think B.C. posted some pictures for your viewing pleasure!

    Wausau, WI
    Posts: 11

    Well, I guess most of you probably don’t know me, but for those IDA’ers that were at the expo, it was great meeting you all. For the sake of reference, I am B.C.’s bro and just joined since my picture may be soon be plastered all over this forum. I’m glad to be a part of this and hope to get to know those that I hadn’t already met.

Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)