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  • thebigd25
    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Take a look at seven corners if you ever get to St. Paul, better selection than HD

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    The only one you’d have a problem with is hidden falls

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    It’s not a bad reel for 50 bucks, casts pretty well and has a strong drag. I think the 452 would be huge, I have an xp-302 and its a little bigger than a 7000.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    So what’s his special cleaning technique?

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I switched my channel gear to 20# Big Game a couple years ago and Im sold on the stuff. When I shore fish its usually pretty rocky and Ive kept a lot more rigs with mono. If that stuff is as good as Big Game you’ll be happy.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Hey Randy, do you use the black light to light up your line? How much “spread” do you get with the Optronics light?

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    That stuff is a pain in the rear. Its asphalt mixed with acetone and it stays sticky forever. What is the next flooring going to be? if its a vinyl product it will have to be encapsulated as todays latex adhesives wont bond to the black emulsion. If its ceramic just scrape up the lumps and go for it.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    There was nothing snapping this afternoon and I’m not going back there till the storm drains get flushed out more. It smells like

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    You should use the size recommended for the appliance. My locator circuit is a 1/2 amp fuse and the nav lights have 5 amp fuses. The spot lights I have are on 10 amp circuits.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Smells fishy and overly complicated, I bought both my boats with cash and left with the boat and a bill of sale.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I tried Kirschbaum Krupp last summer and they were no longer selling lead to the public. They got pinched for not collecting sales tax on lead, so they stopped selling it. Most tire shops I talked to already had an arrangement for wheel weights. One other source is chimney flashing if you know any roofers.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Its not my flavor but its a lot better than the other chains.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Moore’s Bait used to have a few during the summer. It would be nice to see that cpr/ informal format again.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    There were 6 or 7 boats at the confluence this afternoon, maybe someone will have a report soon.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    318 is Mopar. 5.0 is the 305, 5.7 is 350, 5.3 would be like the old 327.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I used to fish it in the summer sometimes in the early ’90s. My grandparents had a tree farm south of Austin a few miles. The only fish were tiny smallmouth and big chubs.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I’ve fished on beaver lake a handful of times, just to be outside, and its pretty quiet and the houses well kept around there.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Awesome! Like the display on the wall.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    for circle hooks to work the fish has to take the whole hook in its mouth and in my experience they dont really work with short biting/less agressive fish. i use them in the summer for bulleads with oversized bobbers.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I think they normally keep the park open, Ive shore fished(unsuccessfully) up to the dam this time of year.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    plus the energizers come with batteries

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    i use the cheapest energizer that only has two settings, red light white light. i hate flipping through 4 or 5 settings and ive never wanted a strobe light attached to my head.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I use 3/0 or 4/0 circles for cut bait and I just let them bend the pole over and hook themselves. It was probably small channels, sometimes they tug hard and drop it. Or sheepies.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Also a little chunk of airline tubing works about as well as sinker bumpers. For a lot cheaper too.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Joes carries a basic selection of cat gear like no rolls and big gamakatzus. And some Team Catfish gear like sinker slides and sinker bumpers.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    Dritmasters!!! I’ve been using them for 3 years and Ive got 8 in my boat now. Super simple, strong, secure and economical. I circle hook fish in the rod holder and never had a rod slip or move at all, even a 25# flat last year on cut. I did break one this spring when I hooked my pant leg getting out of the boat, but Im prolly not going to catch a 250# fish any time soon.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    flathead is a bigger predator imo with the ability to eat larger prey. I used to think muskies would be more exciting with the thrashing and seeing the strike but a clicker running at 1 am and the scramble that follows is a better adrenaline shot for me anyway. I do think they are similar sports though in the hunting for them, big enough baits to tempt them, and slim return on time invested.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I made one a few years ago with a 28 quart cooler and a Longer Life Bait kit that I picked up at FF. Batteries last a long time in the boat and then when I get home I plug in a regular aquarium bubbler.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I agree with 85lund, it sounds like an air leak. If it runs better with the choke on, you are sucking air somewhere. Old gaskets and hoses dry out. Those plastic hose clamps they use on the fuel lines relax after time as well.

    st. paul
    Posts: 124

    I don’t believe lakers can be legally targeted on pool 4. I’m sure someone else knows about that.

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