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  • tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Think that twist happen because a jig sticks out at a right angle, it twists one way as it goes down and the twists run out when you stop, like when you twist a rubber band. Great way to avoid this is to use a spoon, spoons are effective this time of year in part because they don’t spin as much.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Congrats Britt
    Metro ‘East of the St. Croix’ sounds like that suburb called: Wisconsin!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Kinda like to set my own hook-but as far as the DNR is concerned wouldn’t a fish be more likely to be hooked deep and killed with a tip up?

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Inlines do not take the spin out of a jig that you drop down-so not sure what the advantage is.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Good idea-And I already have one.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Oh, I don’t use the one that sets for you, like to keep it all legal (can’t brag if you cheat!)

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    I always feed a bit of line, look and see which way the fish is going and set. No hurry for the fooler or the tippies IMO, then again I’m getting old and #1 do not want to run & #2 do not want to fall.
    Holder still comes out, could have added some duct tape or something to create more tension but I like the idea of it being fixed. Good ideas out there including buy a second, hmm…..

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Always came out for me
    No more.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Crappies are the best bet. ‘gills are good if you can find them same with walters. Pokegema is another solid option, have heard the crappies are bigger & sunnies are more plentiful. Good Luck!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    I target cats with bass gear a few times a year, It’s a blast, do more next year Lab.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Cousins: when they give you that kind of cash they are serious about you, stupid or both.
    They draft a younger QB, so what? You know they have to think about their future. The NFL stands for ‘Not For Long’ Wa wa KC.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    No Walters in reservoirs I guess.
    Kidding aside, wish i could help, have always thought some looked promising.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Critical failure & commercial flop at the time. Captures that time period late in WW2, community was very important at that time. Maybe people did not like it because they were ready to start being in a post war mindset.
    Great movie.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    You can pretty quickly run Chapstick over braid and that helps, put some on the top line guide helps too. Just of course do it just for the line you will use which for most is 25′<

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Floro coated mono like P-line sheds water and works great-In the summer when you are casting, braid is great because you have a lot of line out, most of the time when I ice fish I have between 6-15′ of line out, so not much-I use braid for Tullies though.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Why do they make those batteries so *%#@! hard to take out?! I have the same problem.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Lakes down there tend to be feast or famine, and the locals know. If its famine its never more than a year or 2 away. Anyone on French?

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Have not seen the show and am not a hockey guy.
    When I am king when a community has a franchise they own the name. Forever.
    ‘But its a private business’ that of course is crap, communities are always on the hook for million and millions. Kills me that everyone pays for these teams and you still need a cable subscription to watch a game (basebal) Do you know are basketball team could now be called: The Lakers
    We should charge rent on that name. How does Norm just show up with some cash and run away with the name that had been here for decades?

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Test your tip ups to make sure they turn smoothly, for me I’ve noticed one side will trip smoother than the other, also put them outside for a while and see if the bail turns smoothly. The cold weather can really mess up those bails-Beaver Dam makes a tippie that turns great, not saying you have to run out and buy BD, but you could look into adding grease or replacing grease, check online to see what stuff is highly rated. As Ryno said a lot of these details do not matter if the fish are hot, but its surprising how often in the winter ol’ greenie is touchy.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Tech, changes and its hard to quickly change with it. Remember Kodak? They were huge, killed by digital, they sold film, chemicals, photo paper, slides, etc.
    Funny thing is they invented digital photography and they could not even keep up with the tech they invented!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Amazing how much stuff can change year to year.
    Anytime I fish a toppie I know their is a bout a 90% chance something else like a jig will catch more fish, but I put it on because the strike is a blast & you have a shot at a big fish, probably how you feel about frog lures. Happy Turkey Day.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Good to have one with a reel-using it is not always the best use of time if you like actually catching fish-watching those buggers can be addicting.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Were you in the dark bays? Clearwater fish are probably relating to weeds.
    At least you caught some peace & quiet, rarity out there. Nice greenie. Keep looking I will be out tomorrow-might be hard to get out after this weekend. I would also be tempted to spend a little time casting for Walter out there too. Good lucK!

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Assuming installation was done right, factory settings area a good starting point-setting were determined and tested in the field by fisherman. After you get things figured out make adjustments.
    So for me if I find fish and want to vertically jig I might crank up the sensitivity, I know the fish are there, I know the bottom is soft, I turn it up to see my lure and the fish.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5883

    Public acceses are often owned by local towns or counties-would be nice if these local enteties had communication with the DNR and that they would communicate with us! Do they have to check with the DNR B4 they put something in? My guess is yes-so then the DNR should post this on LAKEfinder. The other thing that happens is the launch will close for weeks or months for whatever good reason and you don’t find out ’till you have made a plan for that lake and have driven miles to get there.
    To your question about the docks: Not sure how you can find out(if it is still in), again poor communication. Consider this: some lakes have permanent docks-Yes they cost more, BUT you do not have to pay people to put them in or take them out-So, are they really more expensive?
    Anyway, I’m still out there but I will not dip my naked feet in that water, get some knee high boots and keep fishing.

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