Sure does help. Thanks.

Posts: 37
The temp on Francis was abour 54 on Saturday (after the day long rain). We were on the west side for a little while late afternoon and didn’t fair real well. We found another spot that had more defined structure (a big key) and it was pretty much non-stop action for crappies and the occasional sun fish. The crappies ran anywhere from 9 to 11 or 12 inches. Nothing realy big but not too bad to start the season. We took out 10 a piece but probably caught 20 more than that. Plus one enourmous dogfish that won’t be a bother no more.
Hey Jeff.
Not a bad predicament to be in. I would personally opt for the St. Croix. I’ve always liked the feel. But as far as free goes, the GLoomis might be a better choice because the price of a top-o-the-line GL is pretty spendy (up to $350) .
Let us know what you decide.
Very well put, Gary.
True it breaks the law but is it the same as pulling up and leaving with a boat full of 1500 perch? Probably not. It’s family…is it worth it to turn them in? I would say no. Hopefully you can make the point and get them to back off a bit on their “harvest”.
Thanks James.
I can’t make the Full moon trip so I’m stuck with this weekend. I was more curious about the time of year and the water temp. Hopefully it all works out nicely. It sounds like trolling some rattles is the best way to go. Is live bait out by that time?
Thanks James.
Sounds like it’s worth making the trip. Now if I can only talk the guy who has the boat into the “revenge” trip, I’m good to go.
That’s the campground on the Southeast side.
Thanks for the reminder, Jon.
I’m up there starting tomorrow, in the afternoon. I hope the new slot comes into play either way.
I’ll be doing some jigging this weekend. First trip to the lake so maybe doing something out of the ordinary might do the trick. I’ll have a report Sunday night!
The law of only one line in open water has always baffled me. Especially since you can use two in the winter, one of which (a tipup) you are hardly paying any attention to.
On a related note to the posts above…what is it with people moving in just because a few fish are caught. I always thought the fun of fishing was locating them and catching them, not using binoculors to see who’s pulling them in. I see nothing wrong with asking people where they are biting, what the are biting on, who-what-when-where-why….etc. But you don’t use someone’s fishing spot while they are currently using it. As I mentioned in previous posts, this is my first trip to milly and I was hoping to get away from this stuff. Maybe there is no getting away from it.
ps I don’t own a Lund…
Pretty much the same as fishing for walleye. Just a jig and a crawler throwing it towards shore. A smaller jig size of course. And the just keep retrieving it just letting it drop above the weeds. If they are in there, you’ll know within a coupld of casts.
Thanks Derek.
I’m still 2 weeks out from the trip so who knows what will be going on by then.
Thanks TGIF
I talked to him a bit but it booked for the weekend I needed it. I’ll be checking back with him for future dates though. We got in at Scenic Bay. It sounds like the bite is tough.
Thanks Bill.
We were getting crappies on the west end earlier in the year but then it got awefully weedy. That south shore past carpenter’s is what I’m referring.
I’m going out Sunday so if there is a place you’d like me to try I’ll bring back a report. PM me if preferred.
That’s where we have been getting some 2 weeks ago. Now we have gotten a couple in 20 feet of water. Go figure. Maybe we just need a new spot. We’ve been fishing the north side between docks.
Thanks Joe.
Can I ask what lake and if they had any size? I know Madison a couple weeks ago had some chubby ones ready to go but that was right before the all the rain and the big water cool down. I know Francis hasn’t warmed up enough yet.
Hey, thanks Jon
I’m looking for a cabin for 2 or so with a kitchen (and of course a bar near by.). We tried The Red Door and have temp reservations at the motel there because the cabins are booked. So basically something like the Red Door cabins.
You are correct. They tend to have a lot of length. But there are lots and lots of them. This is probably the best lake around for weeds. I’ve found weedlines close to 20 feet in depth.
Hiya Riggy.
Are you originally from Austin? Just curious.
I must confess, we haven’t seen any tens. another thing about that lake is the color of the fish. They are picturesque.
Nevermind. We found them. Along with some very nice sunfish. It’s nice to find a lake where the water clarity is respectable.
Good fishin all.