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  • mrbluesky
    Posts: 38

    I just cant see Parise coming here. Dont get me wrong, but why would he come here when he could go to any contending team he wanted. If I were a pro hockey player, send me to either florida teams, or either california team! They are playing so bad right now, its a shame. I hate hearing people say “get rid of Yeo.” GOD couldnt get this team to win, it isnt the coach! I truly believe Fletch/Yeo will lead us into a dynasty, within 5 years we will be the Vancouver or St. Louis of the league.

    Posts: 38

    Ok, so, they know right now they will probably sell, say 150 power noodles next year. Couldnt they order blanks now? i would think they could get enough blanks in, in 9 months time, to cover their orders? Or, they couldnt tell their supplier, we need 150 blanks by September 2012. Im just sayin.

    Posts: 38

    I wonder why it is often an issue for TB to get blanks? I hear more often that they dont have them, then they do? If this is an issue year after year, wouldnt you think someone would figure out a solution? I wonder how many sales a year TB misses out on because they cant get blanks?

    Posts: 38

    Having moved to ND…………I miss fishing crappies. Nice Catch, now get them in your belly!

    Posts: 38

    What a day! Beautiful morning followed by huge temp drops and a big wind that picked up! We had Kyle from Percheyes Guide Service as our guide. Nice guy and def has a great knowledge of the lake, growing up fishing Devils. We fished walleyes at sunrise until about 10am. Ended up with our limits of walleyes! Nothing big, but real nice eaters! At one time we had one tip up going and my buddy had two fish on in the house at the same time! We moved a mile or two and started perch fishing as the weather was changing. My buddy caught two pigs (13 and 12 inchers) with the huge bellys on them. We marked fish all afternoon but was tough to get them to bite! We ended up with 6 nice perch. I broke my line on probably a northern and Al caught a 4 lb or so northern. Over all it was a GREAT day on the ice. Kyle worked his butt off for us, constantly scouting and drilling holes. Besides moving us about a dozen times and making us some great chili for lunch! We both agree it was money well spent and I will do it again! Oh, I didnt know guides cleaned your fish? It was fun watching him clean the fish with an electric knife. I have to get me one of those! He used a Rapala electric knife by the way. Also, we didnt need to bring anything. Although I used my LX7. He had everything we needed for a day on the ice. I would recommend Percheyes Guide service and Kyle to anyone. I think we are going to hire them again for a guided summer trip. We fished some places, seemed like the middle of no where, that were troughs, holes, humps and a current he found that the fish funneled through! On a tough day, he made a succesful fishing trip for us!

    Posts: 38


    I do not understand what the target ID function does. The manual does not explain this well or I missed it?

    You are supposed to be able to adjust it, instead of your gain, to be able to see your bait more clearly? I have the update on my 7 and I still cant tell that it does anything. I turn it all the way up and all the way down and it doesnt make a difference on my screen.

    Posts: 38


    Finally got my chance to get out and test the new update. Right off the bat, I noticed what looked like the upper left corner of a box show up on my flasher display. Is this normal? Or do I have to adjust the settings a bit? (I was in dynamic depth mode) Another thing I noticed was that the jumpiness was still there. The screen would “freak out” for a moment and return to normal. Anyone experience anything like this?

    I got rid of the freak out and havent seen a box on my screen. Mine has other problems though. After waiting over two weeks for Marcum Customer service to reply to my request for service and two emails, I will have to call them when I get home today.

    Posts: 38

    What a boar that is! Nice Fish!

    Posts: 38


    I don’t have my unit in front of me, but the up button moves the zoom range up, the down button moves the range down.

    That is the way it is supposed to work. On my 7 I start pushing the down button, to go from 298′ to say, 10′. It goes down for ten feet or so, then starts going back up, so I push on the up key and it starts going down. I have been waiting for two weeks (about) for Marcum to get back to me on this. Sent two emails and one request for service, no response.

    Posts: 38

    Haha. I am out on a Lake fishing, Every time I go out, I have the zoom window up. For example, yesterday the zoom window had the correct depth, 17 feet, on the bottom of the screen but it was zooming at 298 feet. The day before I was in 10 feet of water and the zoom window was at 298′. I noticed yesterday when I started hitting the down buttom to make it go from 298′ to 17′. It went to about 265′ and then started back UP again. So I had to push the UP arrow to get it to go down to 17′. Once I get it there it works but if I turn the unit off, the next time it comes on, right back to 298′. I cant figure it out since it is software driven I was hoping the update would take care of it.

    Posts: 38

    Look at the ends of the cables. USB 2.0 cables have rectangular shaped, flatter ends. USB 1.0 cables have thick square ends.

    Test data transfer speed. Connect a device with each cable and try to move files back and forth from the device and your computer. A USB 2.0 cable is up to 40 times faster at transferring data.

    Recall when you received each cable. USB 2.0 cables are the new standard as of 2001, so any USB 1.0 cable you have most likely came with a pre-2001 device.


    Posts: 38

    I will keep my eyes open in ND. No need for a reward if found! I am going to Devils Lake next week, will keep my eyes open.

    Posts: 38

    I have rebooted this thing I dont know how many times and it still goes back to zoom at 298′?

    Posts: 38

    Bummer. My LX7 still starts at 298 feet in the zoom window. I have to manually click it all the way down to the area I am fishing (say 10 feet). I was hoping the update fixed this, or do I have a setting wrong? It did this out of the box as a replacement.

    Posts: 38

    I couldnt get it to work for anything! THEN I went on the hunt for a different USB cable. It says you HAVE to use a USB 2.0 cable. I just bought a new camera and would of bet my life it came with a 2.0 cable. WRONG! The next cable I tried (7 or 8 yr old cable) was apparently a 2.0 cable and it installed like a dream! So if you are having any problems, MAKE SURE you are using the correct cable. Of course the cables dont say on them what version of cable it is. If it doesnt work, just assume you dont have the correct cable. Can anyone tell me why it wont work with a non 2.0 cable? I thought the 2.0 was just a faster rate of transfer? I feel like crap, but I AM GOING FISHING!!!! Thanks for all the hard work Marcum! I hope this solves all of my problems!

    Posts: 38

    How are they going to release the update? Email us? Call us? Post it on forums? Anyone know?

    Posts: 38

    Nice! Looks like a great day on the ice!

    Posts: 38

    I have had nothing but great experiences with TB. They have taken care of any problem (which is very few). My only grip is they do have sections on their site to contact them via email. I have not had any luck with this, waiting weeks for an answer that never came. This has happened a few times. I have also left messages on the page that shows what you ordered and it has the option of leaving them messages and even picking what priority it is (High, medium or low) I have never recieved an answer from that section either. Call them or walk into the store, they are awesome! I know I have been a pain in the rear to Katie, but she is a trooper and always follows through!

    Posts: 38

    Nice fish! Another memory that will never be forgotten. i would of loved to see the look on your faces the first time it came up to the hole! Congrats!

    Posts: 38

    I agree it sure would of been nice for Marcum to take care of “us” that dropped $700 on these months ago! I sent one 7 back for a new one, got the new one and it isnt working right either. So now I am patiently waiting for a response from Marcum on what they want me to do now? I ordered mine in November from TB. Here it is going into February and I basically havent had a unit to use all year! Thats nice, real nice.

    Posts: 38

    I just fished side by side with a vex and didnt have one problem with interfearance. The machines were two feet apart.

    Posts: 38

    Just an FYI. I recieved my new LX7 head unit today as promised. V.1 on the unit.

    Posts: 38

    I have had a few problems with mine. The target adjust did nothing, nice to hear they are fixing that. It kept reading 298 feet, so i would reboot, and reboot and reboot, then it would work. Every so often the entire screen would flicker. The latest is it is dead in the water, will not boot up. I went online and filled out a request for service. It took 4 days to hear back from anyone. I am now going to be the proud new owner of a new head unit when UPS comes today. They said they will also send me a ticket to send the old one back to them. Another thing I noticed is the screen scratches very easily from cleaning it off. I am going to have to figure out a system that wont put those fine scratches across the screen every time I wipe it off. Cant wait to get the new unit and get back out fishing. I doubt it, but it would of been nice to get the v.3 already on the unit.

    Posts: 38

    I am also disappointed with my 7. The latest problem is that the unit no longer powers up! I also have to reboot it at least twice each time I use it because it keeps reading 298 feet! The target adjust does nothing. Its a pain to try and carry around. For $700 I wouldnt think I would have to rig up the battery connections to stay put! So I read some of you are returning them? I have had mine a month or so, can I return it for my money back?

    Posts: 38

    You can if you want too. I have folded mine a few times, but you can get away with not folding them too!

    Posts: 38

    Did you try to reboot it? That worked for me.

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