Ordered 3 batteries one charger on 12/22. No shipping confirmation or delivery.
Forum Replies Created
January 3, 2018 at 11:02 am #1740891
My buddies is the G1. I will relay the info Mat. I wouldn’t be able to handle watching that screen all day. Wasn’t knockin the helix just not my thing I’m sure the G2 is everything the G1 wasn’t. It’s ok I have the LX9 “G1” as well.
January 2, 2018 at 9:44 pm #1740737Please explain how you eliminate interference and your settings. My buddy has a helix 5. It seems his screen is full of clutter whether by a my marcums or vexilars the whole time and pretty sure he can’t see the bottom six inches. I’ve noticed this on two hum ice graphs. Yes way better lakemaster contours than navionics by phone. But I am not impressed by the helix ice units. I don’t have one so I’ve put zero effort in trying to figure out there settings for them.
December 21, 2017 at 11:26 pm #1737486It is crazy how Joe has been bashed on this pro Marcum site. It seems he has valid points and requests. I’ve waited in the shadows for four years not saying anything because it is quite obvious they are not working on improving the interface and ease of use. I personally love the chart with the two vertical displays. It amazes me how we don’t have them lining up like any other chart plotter. Many people are right it does work it shows my lure and fish sniffing and swimming away. I was sold on the camera and flasher combo but a camera and a upgradable flasher I couldn’t swipe my card any quicker. What do I have after 5 years? The same exact digital flasher but at least I won’t have a dark spot close to the transducer(I did have that issue but I fish less than 4ft maybe 5 times a year). Still love it but I guess (I know) I am gullible to what people say and thought I would be getting upgrades to enhance my fishing experience not fix issues that were present from day one 5 years ago. I can’t complain about Marcum’s customer service I have unfortunately used it a handful of times already and has been a easy and satisfying experience. Sweet new shuttle to carry the flasher now instead of the dumper bag but I want the enhancements in the flasher not the handle. Thanks Joe for taking the unwarranted crap. At least you know your not the only sucker.
December 11, 2017 at 12:02 pm #1734600What is the price at now with this many people purchasing. Is it still open to get on the list?
January 20, 2017 at 10:45 am #1667151White Bass have a white flaky flesh like walleye maybe a bit more “greasy”. Insert breading and deep fry 99% of people would never know the difference. These fish are some of the best fresh water fighters on Devils if I get into a school I don’t leave even better on ice. I don’t keep any but there are groups that do. These are predator fish they eat the same as Walleye, Pike, and Perch. They are also prey until a certain size because of their body shape and the amount of defenses. You can not handle one without damaging yourself at least once a fish. Once they reach 2+ lbs there is no predator (maybe 40″+ Pike) in the lake to keep them in check. A fish that doesn’t taste to bad and one hell of a fighter is nice to have in Devils Lake in it’s small population for as big as it is. A smaller lake with them and walleye wouldn’t be desired in my opinion say good bye to any stocked or natural Walleye fry.
January 19, 2017 at 11:12 am #1666903I have zero problems with my dad’s 9 next to my 9. But when I put the 9 next to the wife’s 6 Houston we have a problem. As mentioned above streams cross and if you fish together and if you are deeper than 15ft streams will cross and not even Stantz or Spangler can help you here. It seems a lot worse with the new 6 update in my opinion.
January 15, 2017 at 10:49 pm #1665744Night and day. Just like your fly rod you can tell the difference. Expensive guides and better handles for the most part. Lighter and more sensitive blanks in most cases. Can get some pretty good blanks on the market and if you know someone you can get pretty close action to the big boys for $70 instead of $120. I believe the big boys resort to sanding on their blanks to get a little lighter action on their rods I can’t find or duplicate the TUCR QT or BW. Anyone know where I can? Some of the store bought rods are getting closer but also closer in price $60-$100 I will buy a custom or now will go to my guy.
January 15, 2017 at 10:37 pm #1665743I had a Vex 22 worked perfect did everything I wanted. I went to a LX-9 wife has a 6 and I don’t even use the flasher screen I love the chart zoom, vertical zoom, and vertical display (always fishing bottom hugging fish). Can’t do that on a vex. I really like the 28 with a tri-beam but would refuse to use one with the proview ducer. I had my issues with Marcum, they are figured out and I won’t be trading that in. Multiple screen options with camera all in one is everything and all I’ll ever need and going to get I guess(no LX-9 update yes there many things that can be done to improve it).
January 15, 2017 at 10:24 pm #1665740This will be good. I have a Marcum LX 7 and a LX 9. They are very nice units but be prepared to have the possibility of something going wrong with the Marcum. My LX 9 has issues of the screen freezing up. Very frustrating after owning a Vexilar for 15 years without any issues. I will give Marcum the credit of being more “up to date” but along with that comes the chances of repairs and if you are out of your 2 year warranty could cost you $100-$150 to get it fixed. So…I am not much help but as of this week I have been thinking about selling my LX 7 to get a Vexilar FL 28. Maybe we could make a trade! LOL. Chad
For some reason Marcum doesn’t know the fix to this. I sent it in on their dime the first time. Then I paid shipping there the second time for the same fix that didn’t get fixed the first time and didn’t get fixed the second time but a different battery. Still not fixed the fix I eventually figured out on my own is your battery connectors are loose. Take a needle nose and crimp them down tight. Mine did it again a week ago and sure enough one clip was loose.
December 16, 2016 at 11:11 am #1657666If you watch the early episodes of any fishing show they are truly trying to help the angler. As that gains them popularity that earns them their sponsors and the show turns into a commercial. Since I watch them all I have more lures and bait than 10 people need. Many still try to demonstrate strategy and techniques but obviously they are well prepared to be on fish with local guides or prostaff whether they show them or not or advertise their business(networking but not feasible or doable for the weekend warrior). The worst is when these good shows become watch me bucket list trophy fish this lake. Don’t mind me though just a jealous hater that still watches.
March 2, 2016 at 11:43 am #1603689Welcome to the digital age. Don’t waste your time with Marcum. My 9 has been sent in twice. Guess what? There is nothing wrong with it. You can run it all day in demo and not freeze. My expert advice is to enjoy the exercise you get from bending over to unplug and plug the battery connectors back on. But seriously it is probably loose battery connections from what I can tell. Try to pinch them tighter might get a couple trips out of it before they wiggle themselves loose. Mine has done it a lot less but not a permanent fix. Pretty nice unit when it doesn’t freeze randomly.
December 22, 2015 at 11:07 am #1586516Thanks for everyone’s replies. This is not a honey hole protection post. You go with a guide you call a bait shop you go to Irvine right now 8+ inches of ice. You come to Devils Lake you find road beds, rock piles, humps, flats and etc. just like any other lake. I was simply asking the IDO’s team opinion on it. I’m not saying don’t come to Devils Lake. Perch fishing is still a couple weeks away. 2-4″ on the big water as of today You may be able to find them shallower no guarantees of safe ice snows moving in today. I was just stating the trend in television shows discrepancies or naming lakes and not naming lakes.
December 22, 2015 at 10:37 am #1586508If you like your rod bring your rod. Otherwise use their stuff. They drive you around put you in a two man thermal. Continue to move until you find them.
December 15, 2015 at 9:07 am #1584825There is definitely a big difference. I have a 9 and I got my wife the 6. However towards late season where visibility wasn’t good I always seemed to grab the 6 for hole hoping. Switching back and forth you will notice the difference but if you start with the 6 it wont really affect you. Comparing the two side by side big difference.
November 20, 2015 at 6:06 pm #1578544I should have a couple buddies of mine write this and not me. But I can tell you how to fish on a budget very easily (their way). You find a guy who has the equipment. You tell him to bring his wife’s flasher for you to use. You ask him what lures would probably work best. You buy one or two of those lures (different ones) $8. Buy a $20 combo (the one the backreel isn’t gonna last). You have him drive you to the spot while stopping at the bait shop you offer to buy bait since he is driving. You get ONE scoop of minnows $3 One cup of waxies $3. You get to the location you watch him drill holes and setup the house if it’s cold it’s a good idea to do it from the warm vehicle. You let him get the equipment in the shack grab a chair put bait on your hook and drop it down while he is still setting up and organizing the shack (probably have one coming up the hole before he has his line in). You lose one of your lures on that sweet 2lb factory line that has been on it for over a year and the backreel breaks and ask to use one of his rods. You don’t like the other lure you bought so casually reach in his tackle bag grab one that looks good lose that and tell him you’ll get him next time. After a couple lost lures you don’t give two f’s anymore if he is watching and you go through his tackle and grab whatever you want. You apologize for only getting one scoop and one cup of waxies when you quickly run out. You then watch him take down the shack and load the vehicle. You head to the cleaning place, watch him clean the fish. You offer to wash the fillets and bag them. That my friends is how you can fish for $34. If you’re having a good day you could kick the ice scoop down the hole as well.
November 5, 2015 at 6:04 pm #1575458Hotdogs cheaper and work better. If you want you can open the stomach and get it back and use it the next day. Out fished frozen bait many days.
November 5, 2015 at 5:36 pm #1575451I am using the phone I downloaded both apps with. About the time my subscription ended I checked the app again and my waypoints were all gone. Like you said my other app has its waypoints on it still after it expired. Is there a way to recover them if it is on the phone or did I delete all of the points somehow in my memory? I never did sync my phone.
I am only using only one device I wasn’t clear earlier when I asked if the two apps sync on the same device and share waypoints on the same lake because I do have some of my other waypoints on my US Canada app still?
My other issue was today when I was going through the syncing steps I saw the restore purchase and upgrades and I did it on my US Canada one and now I can only get 3ft increments instead of 1ft increments on the map. I can’t find how to change it to 1ft.
Thanks for listening and trying multiple times with me today.
November 5, 2015 at 2:11 pm #1575415I guess I don’t know what to do. I can’t figure out how to recover the lost waypoints after my subscription ended which didn’t do on the other app and now messing around US Canada is won’t go back to 1ft increments. No matter if I’m in sonar charts or navionics. Not very happy. When you sync does it put waypoints from both on each others app? Do I need to renew my subscription for any of this to work?
November 5, 2015 at 11:34 am #1575382Well now I gone and done it. I have the same phone as I have always had. I synced everything. I’m assuming USA and USA Canada won’t sync with each other on the same device or any other device. Now what I have done is lost my 1ft increments on my USA Canada app and I am stuck on 3ft with no options in map options. I did restore purchases and upgrades so I don’t know if that had anything with it, but I still don’t have markers on my USA app and now I have 3ft instead of 1ft on my USA Canada. FML
November 4, 2015 at 12:45 pm #1575189I have both the usa and usa Canada app because of the USA android not having the foot increments like apple had right of way so I got the usa Canada app. So both have expired now and the usa Canada app still has waypoints I have entered over the years and all of my USA app waypoints are gone. How do I recover them? Thanks
October 27, 2015 at 11:10 am #1573562Easiest solution and very innovative for t.v. YEAR LONG EPISODES!!! Not just for my pre-football viewing pleasure. My withdrawals might need medical attention soon! I even watched a bass show the other day.
October 8, 2015 at 11:01 am #1569583I have the clam bigfoot xl 4000t. I have fished 4 people two holes each and she tight. 3 is not bad and 2 is perfect. With 4 I found two in each corner and all the chairs in the middle. If you only had a hole for each person the setup would be better. Tough to get out of the house in a hurry with holes next to the door. Not the most interactive setup but fishable.
September 25, 2015 at 1:24 pm #1567696The quick tip is my favorite perch rod and like using my precision for my jigging raps and rippin raps. For my 1/8 oz and smaller bait buckshots, tinglers, tumblrs, and slenders, and sometimes a #2 jiggin rap QT all the way. I think it is both a great feel and sight rod for the light bites. It does work for 1/4 oz lures as well but I just prefer the precision for that. That seems to be the theme I hear most often for bait weights and what rod to use and I agree.
February 17, 2015 at 10:30 am #1512532I finally got on a real perch bite this year and it wasn’t even on Devils Lake where I live(that’s how good D.L. is this year). I got to use my quicktip from TUCR and lets just say that was one of my best experiences perch fishing. Not only is it a feel rod but also a sight rod in my opinion. You can see some of the lightest bites before you feel it. This is my first custom rod along with the precision which was fun using as well with some of the pigs this last weekend. I can’t compare with other companies but I am 100% satisfied. You don’t need quality to catch fish but it does make it a lot more fun when you have it.
January 1, 2015 at 9:15 pm #1490920Definitely need a video of your excursion!!! I was thinking of building an airboat out of an old jon boat for early and late ice. Looks like a great time.
January 1, 2015 at 4:58 pm #1490830Well, there’s the answer and reason to use the dial. I never really thought of that way.
ThanksJanuary 1, 2015 at 2:48 pm #1490792I have the LX-9 and the wife has a LX-6. I use and usually set on the wife’s the verticle zoom and verticle column with the graph. I like the chart for the history and to judge the size of the fish. I tried the dial and feel it is unecessary with the verticle columns. When a fish is present I focus on the zoom column which I prefer over the dial just like I would with my vex HD-22 bottom lock. I questioned why James still uses the dial, maybe like myself he doesn’t like his friends telling him that he has an expensive colored showdown. Maybe he can answer that quetion. All in all I prefer the digital setups 100 times over the flashers, even the FLX 28 yes I did it.
November 24, 2014 at 2:56 pm #1476533Yes go to Devils Lake, SD
You can find fish on your own it’s just a moving game and with the cold last year it wasn’t that fun. Guided trips are easier if youv’ve never been here. They keep you on or move you to a better spot which usually leads to a full bag limit of big fish (too many in my opinion). If we get a lot of snow you will need a snowmobile if we don’t have much snow you won’t need a snowmobile. There are some plowed roads that can lead to some good spots.