Well getting back to your question about night ice fishing. I found that checking the fish and wild life forecast works out big, fish feed at night too. I’ve got some crappies and sunfish out on Schmidt Lake (Beebees good too) in St. Micheal around 2 AM a few weeks ago. Shiner’s are key to good night fishing if you can afford to buy them(close to 8 dollars a scoop), but I usually resort to fatheads (glow jigs to make up for dark). Shiners do make the walleyes go crazy though. Something I’ve learned when using them is that they like to play dead, so instead of throwing down the hole or out the door put them back in the bucket. They usually warm up and come back to life with in ten minutes or so. (good tip on the vexler, my buddy uses his through the ice, bodily fluids work great if no H2O on hand)

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