And that was only the number three fish in the big bass pot…..
Tell me again why I live UP-North…….
Fun facts to know and tell. The motor used to drive those old flashers was the same one that was used for a REEL to REEL tape deck.
Snow on the Deck……..
Is Champman going GRAY
What comes next light action rods??????
All that being said and done here is a note that might save you some bucks. I have ripped the cable off of a lot fewer tranducers since I started attaching them to the shaft with electrical tape instead of zip ties. When you get hung on something with the zip ties they cut into the wire. With the electrical tape there is some give.
If the hook, balance and weedgaurd don’t work well together the jig will roll and the jig will be weed colored. That will always be bad.
One School of thought is to match the hatch. Dark colors in the spring to match blue gils and craws. Light colors when the bait fish start bunching.
Another School of thought is that you are attacking the fish and want to make it as easy as possible to find and eat your bait. This school swears by the bright colors and heavy tinsle models.
Both Schools have succesful people in them.
One thought is that a single jig with an option for 3-4 different colored trailers will give you flexability.
A june bug colored jig with a june bug trailer is really dark. With a watermelon grub it is medium dark. With a white trailer it’s medium lite and with a chartruse grub it is fairly brite. And you can test the light to dark part of the equation without retying.
Just play with them.
I find that Power Pro gives me the best distance. That’s what I want.
Jim tell me if you think I’m off base on the following.
The jig must run straight. If it rolls over you spend way to much time picking junk of it and being hung up.
The weed gaurd should be soft. Whether you trim it or use a soft one Isn’t the issue. It should deflect but not prevent hook ups.
The hook should be sharp and not make to big a hole. Needle points are prefered.
Color matters. Either because you are trying to match the hatch or giving them something that they can see and kill because it’s different. Or you just fish a color you love harder.
Trailers matter. Either because they affect the lift on the jig or the action of the jig. There is some balance between the softness of the trailer and the durability that has to be met. You can slow roll a 1/4 down a drop with a 3″ grub that you would not be able to with a 5″ grub. etc. etc. There are other options besides single tails.
There really is not a good hook out there for swim jigs. Most of the better swim jigs either adapt a hook or use some type of adapting devise to allow using a good hook in an application that it really was not designed for.
You hate me because I was born with good looks and you weren’t. (I know this a lie I just wanted to see if you were awake).
Last but not least…..
Now that the swim jig is out in the open the few folks that make swim jigs with the stuff listed above will have trouble keeping up.
(maybe I was kidding about you and the ugly stuff) (Maybe not)
Robby get with the program. A crank will sail with the wind and get the hooks all tangled in your boaters head. A BHJ (big honkin Jig) will sail true leaving “a Mark” and giving you a few shots at some open water……..
But on the serious side….. Treat the boat as if it was your own. Pay your way. Ask about netting.
My son Casey is in the same situation that you are in. Our club – Basic Bass has been pretty good about working around it.
Let me know if I can help.
Now I understand why I didn’t see any of you boys Sunday.
And to think I thought you were all at Church.
All Right…….Good job……Makes you wonder how such ugly people can make such a good lookin lures
From one ugly to another
What a good time. Thank you all for stopping by and saying HI
Believe it or not we only recieved three warnings from the show management for exceeding the ugly capacity of our booth.
Good job guys.
Next stop spring.
You sound like frat boys.
You will fit right in.
What’s the Frats name? Try the TRI-C’s..
..Catch’m, Catch’m, Catch,m……….
Dave, Dave, Dave…..
You have friends.
We will roll you over – face up.
No need for thanks…..
What are friends for.
Is this some perverse right of spring??????
Make the folks that aren’t near the river crazy and unable to work……
Curses on all of you……………
Why do I have visions of the Madison SWAT team being real busy while you boys are in town……….
If I remember right it was on the rock river during a DNR shock. They took a picture of it and released it.
Look at the brite side.
The Packers loose the redneck soon and they will be NALL AND VOID.
The Packer guys get to relive the 80’s.
It could be worse you could be a bears fan living up here in cheese land like me.
I’m in Wauwatosa and may be able to help with those field trips.
People with good hearts are coming out of the woodwork.
How cool is that
Here are a couple of more ideas to add to the hopper.
If you are using powder paint and have cast the weedgaurds into the jigs cook them at 250 degrees for 25 min. The powder paint suppliers suggest anywhere from 250 to 325 degrees for the paint. Higher than 250 puts the weedgaurds at risk.
I have found that I get less paint flow into the eyes of the jigs if I cook them at 250 for 25 min rather than 300 for a shorter time. The other advantage is that the paint seems to be a little bit tougher when it is processed slower.
When you go to take them out of the oven let them cool a bit or they will stick together.
Last but not least. MAKE SURE THAT YOU TAKE THE BROILER PAN OUT OF THE OVEN BEFORE YOU START COOKING JIGS. If you leave the pan in and it has not been cleaned after it’s last use it will stink up the whole house. (who says I can’t learn anything new).
They have in the past.
But the guy in the boat has always had baits that he was selling tied on.
Maybe if we all ask the guy at the HOG Tank he will demo them all…….
How cool would that be??????
I will get a bunch done and even if they go away quick I’ll keep some around for people to play with.
No rest for the wicked.
Matt or mats anywhere you want to be……Florida sounds good right about now.
Guess I better get my butt in gear and start building them.
I’ll get pictures up on the web soon.