sway Spring Valley, MNPosts: 4 March 12, 2011 at 3:20 pm #946491 Tommy will be great! Great Fisherman! Great speaker! Great guy! Humorous too.
sway Spring Valley, MNPosts: 4 December 23, 2005 at 3:48 pm #406325 You need a good boat pilot to land a fish that size on such light tackle. He gave us a merry chase. Thanks Kerry Roger
sway Spring Valley, MNPosts: 4 October 2, 2003 at 10:02 pm #277405 I have used a lot of these with good success. Could always use more.
sway Spring Valley, MNPosts: 4 September 22, 2003 at 6:45 pm #262044 I would love this trip! I have never fished Mille Lacs.