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  • stevem
    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Just got back from Kab on Sunday. Roads are fine..little construction on 53 but no flood issues. Mayflies were thick but we managed fish. Hatch should be close to done soon. Good luck

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Its not the snoring thats so bad – its all the kicking and screaming!
    Good luck on Sat. guys

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Wiz – Alex says thanks and he’ll be taking you up on that offer! We’ll make sure to hook up with you and Waldo again soon.
    Have a good Thanksgiving

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Wiz – Alex says thanks and he’ll be taking you up on that offer! We’ll make sure to hook up with you and Waldo again soon.
    Have a good Thanksgiving

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hey Wiz – good job on the ducks, glad you had fun. Alex and I enjoyed getting out w/you guys last Fri – in spite of the lightning!
    How’d your race go?


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hey Wiz – good job on the ducks, glad you had fun. Alex and I enjoyed getting out w/you guys last Fri – in spite of the lightning!
    How’d your race go?


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Thanks for the reply Mark and “congrats” on the sheepie – its still fun tangling with something that size. Looks like the forecast for tomorrow may have us chasing birds instead.
    A day off is still a day off


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Likewise Bill – I get regular reports on you from Ann!
    Tell Brad hi for me – hope you guys get out.


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Thanks for the reply Wiz – it’d be tough to find a nicer day to be out. Were you sharing a boat with Waldo? That guy gets more play time than anybody I know!

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hey Bob and Jimbo – thanks, I appreciate the info. Sounds like some great weather (rain/snow) forecast for Friday – I might wind up chasing ducks instead. Hopefully I’ll have something to post one way or another.
    Thanks again

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    I need a little “101” – how does high water improve fishing?


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    I talked to a couple guys who said the same thing – high with a lot of debris. So, I decided to sit in a tree this weekend instead. I’m going to try for next weekend – I’ll post if I do any good!


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Thanks for the suggestions guys. I’ll start with a comp.check and go from there. It runs very smooth with good acceleration – no missing or hesitation, just has lost some of its muscle on the top end.
    Thanks again for the input!


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    I’ll give that a try – thanks for the input Jon.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    The bottom of the boat is in good shape and the prop has a few small nicks but nothing major. I do have spare prop I could try.
    Thanks for the reply.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Thanks for the reply Bob. We were there on Monday and had a slow day as well. Some small sauger and 3 keeper ‘eyes. Things should be picking up soon – good luck!


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Thanks guys – count me in!

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    I wouldn’t want to miss out on a chance like this. Please count me in – thanks!

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Sounds great guys, please count me in!

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    I wouldn’t miss a chance to fish with The Man – mighty nice offer James!

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hey Fireman – I’ve got one you’re welcome to have. Give me an address and I’ll get it in the mail to you.

    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hey RR – thanks for the info, this is a new rig for me and definitely something I’m gonna try.
    Thanks for the reply!


    Cedar Falls, Iowa
    Posts: 28

    Hi John, could you describe what a drop shot rig is for me?


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