From the floating dock at Everts resort!

Posts: 56
Neither Minnesota or Wisconsin had any tournaments scheduled for Pool 4 the first weekend in June when we were looking for new dates!
Payout is PER DAY plus bonus payout for the 2 day total! Payout is at 85%, There are a lot of expenses that go into this format with the purchase of SD cards, waterproof paper, verification identifiers, clip boards, tournament permit, ect. not to mention a ton of time to make sure everything is in order.
The date has been changed to June 6th and 7th due to Covid-19 “Safer at Home” order
The 2020 Spring Classic
June 6th & 7th, 2020
Mail Entry Form to:
Steve Gnotke
502 South 7th Street
Lake City, MN 55041
Refer Questions to: Steve Gnotke at 651-278-1879
Mike Utley at 507-269-4316
___________ $400.00 / Boat Entry Fee ($500 after 5/31/2020)
___________ $50.00/boat, Option Pot All boats that enter this special contest, will receive 100% payback of money entered into this category. Paid to top 3 per day!
Please Print Clearly.
1st Partner Name:_________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Email Address:__________________________
2nd Partner Name:_________________________________________________________
Email Address:__________________________
Waiver: We the above signed, hereby release all sponsors, event originators, other contestants and tournament officials from any claim of injury and/or damage incurred in connection with this tournament. We agree to comply with the same.
The 2020 Spring Classic
April 18th & 19th, 2020
Mail Entry Form to:
Steve Gnotke
502 South 7th Street
Lake City, MN 55041
Refer Questions to: Steve Gnotke at 651-278-1879
Mike Utley at 507-269-4316
___________ $400.00 / Boat Entry Fee ($500 after 4/10/2020)
___________ $50.00/boat, Option Pot All boats that enter this special contest, will receive 100% payback of money entered into this category. Paid to top 3 per day!
Please Print Clearly.
1st Partner Name:_________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________
Email Address:__________________________
2nd Partner Name:_________________________________________________________
Email Address:__________________________
Waiver: We the above signed, hereby release all sponsors, event originators, other contestants and tournament officials from any claim of injury and/or damage incurred in connection with this tournament. We agree to comply with the same.
Payout Schedule for current boat count:
1st $2,604.80
2nd $1,546.60
3rd $1,221.00
4th $1,058.20
5th $732.60
6th $569.80
7th $407.00
Big Fish Each Day: 1st-$280 2nd-$150
35 Mason Flom Collins Voxland
36 Richard Law Phil Glomski
37 Josh Olson Steve Weyers
38 Clark Baldwin Brandon Baldwin
39 Jake Hoyt Matt Hoyt
40 Mike Klein Allen Kichler
41 Scott Butt Harvey Ryks
42 Gary Meyers Ace Hurlburt
43 Chuck Jennings Troy Taxdahl
44 Matt Pitz Devin Beier
27 Ken Hanson Wally Bertchinger
28 Alan Sellner Jared Gitter
29 Corey Brown Josh Bank
30 Scott Goodale Romine Goodale
31 Chris Gehrke Ruff Ulvin
32 Erik Overland Lowell Flattum
33 Ben Carlson Andy Shatek
34 Peter Mart Ted Mart
1 Steve Gnotke Mike Utley
2 Mike Schommer Jr Scott Johnson
3 Jon Kinneman Steve Holt
4 Chad Niemann TBD
5 Kyle Brantner Nate Patraw
6 Jeremy Sevelin Chris Simmons
7 Jason Pavlak Ken Ramelfanger
8 Jimmy Nielsen Peter Joubert
9 Justin Schneider Brian Schneider
10 Mike Schommer Jason Schommer
11 Kevin Valento Michael Buth
12 Mike Johnson Darrin Swager
13 Dean Nelson Jeremy Reese
14 Ryan King Rick Judd
15 Drew Evans Nick Dennision
16 Mark Koehn Dan Dwyer
17 Al Standly Beverly Standly
18 Scott Moger Mike Havhart
19 Ben Barker Jaydon Mitchell
20 Allen Simanovski Jeff Prigge
21 Chad Bleeker Carl Stayberg
22 David Edlund Joey Edlund
23 Mark Kruger TBD
24 Greg Rudisill Doug Chapman
25 Scott Zupfer Dan Mielke
26 Ryan Johnson Jonathan Siemback
I own both rods and honestly your money will be well spent either way! You will not be disappointed in either one!
The scale is not published anywhere as far as I know but it’s MUCH more realistic than AIM, a 27 inch fish is 7 pounds even on the MTT scale to give you an idea. That same fish is 8.10 on AIM’s conversion.
Absolutely….far from a great team! Have benefitted from some home cooking from the refs ( as is usual in Green Bay) but they will win this poor division and get to play at home which should allow the refs to win them a playoff game but they aren’t going anywhere worth mentioning!
Correct, two tournaments running simultaneously! Live bait allowed for both sides. May enter both tournaments!