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  • stayncharge
    Posts: 14

    good job,,,, the important thing is, you will be trolling better and more with less worries. congradulations.

    Posts: 14

    Thanks, But as you know when you have to sell things through three step sales keeping anything under 100 bucks is pretty hard. When other systems that do alot less then we do and they are priced at three times of what we are. I really have tried very hard to keep the price down but these big dealers and retail stoes really drive the pricing through the roof.

    Posts: 14

    Man where were you three years ago? I started this deal to just help the guys that had 12 volt batteries and had to take the battery out of the boat and put it into the garage to charge it. a red and black wire with a circuit breaker to protect it.
    I can not tell you how much i thank you for the info you have given. I have copied your last post and i will be faxing it to my engineers in the morning if you do not mind and see what they have to say. I have talked to other people about the prosseser and they have told me about your thoughts and i am not a engineer but i do know what i want and how i want it. I want it to be the best that will help they fishermen that are using it. And that is my bottom line. I would love to pick your brain some day in the future if we both get the chance. Thanks for the help

    Posts: 14

    Man you are smarter then i am. I have a engineering company that comes up with this stuff, i just tell them what i want. And yes we originally had it in ten minute cycles and a few bass pros that used the last system told me how far they would go so i had them put it to five minutes. Yes i could be done on any time scale.

    Posts: 14

    Yes you can. That is how the ac chargers work. They are two or three seperate chargers and they do not use a common ground. These things are hard to explain with no diagram to show. If you hook up pos and neg of ac charger to batt one and pos and neg of second ac charger to batt two there is no common wire. If you have a phone number i would be happy to call you and exsplain it better.

    Posts: 14

    Hey Gianni you must be a tech person. Great question. First as far as guest goes unless you had the power on when hooking up the charger i could not say why it would of sparked. I would call them and ask why. From all the people i deal with they have a great tech service group. Now as far as what we do i will not get to tech about it because we have patents still pending on some of the system but through software we are able to read voltage.Through digital switching we take the power generated by the tow vehicle or the outboard motor and we let the batteries control what they need for amps we distribute the power to each battery in five minute cycles which also gives the batteries that are on the off cycle to settle and when it is there cycle we get a more true reading and they get a cleaner and faster charge. I hope this helps.

    Posts: 14

    In ten years i have never had any one say the alternator died and you know if they had a problem i would here about it. As far as charging thought the altenator it only gives the batteries what they are asking for. If they need 30 amps the alternator will produce thirty amps and if they want one amp the will only draw one amp. There are pro fisherman on all the big fishing tours that still charge there batteries with a regular charger out of there garage. I can not tell you why the industry has done what they did but i would guess alot of it has to do with making money. The altenator on you truck is atleast rated 100 amps and you will never use more then 30 amps on normal use so that is alot of amps left over that the altenators are built for. I hope this helps

    Posts: 14

    Hey Apple Valley is my home also. I would be more then happy to show it to you. 50% dead would take about 25 to 30 minute run to full depending on the size of outboard. My number is on my web site Jim Payne

    Posts: 14

    Jon maybe you said it wrong. You can take two seperate ac chargers and hook each one to a different battery even if they are in series and they will charge fine. Remember two seperate chargers never cross each other because do not use the same ground. If you hook up the chargers in series then you will cause a problem.

    Posts: 14

    Jon i think Dual pro is saying that there system reads the state of charge and if you hook the two banks up to two batteries hooked together that they will work by reading charge volumn and will only charge what they need. Not all chargers will do that and could harm the batteries.

    Posts: 14

    Scott to answer you question about over charging. The altonater is only going to put out what the batteries are asking for. In ten years i have been charging trolling batteries i have not once had a overcharged battery.

    Posts: 14

    Hey Jon i am always looking for new ideas but i think it would be cheaper and easier just to buy a fuel cel and install it in the back of the truck. Good luck

    Posts: 14

    Mike your idea is a great one and will work very well. I do not want you all to think the stayncharge products are going to replace and be better then what you already have. I came up with stayncharge to help you stay on the water and fish more without having to find that AC outlet if you run out of power and you don’t have the long delays you need to charge with the regular chargers. So please do not think we are trying to change the world. The stayncharge products are made to work with the systems you already have if you need them. If what you have works for you then by all means stick to it and if in the future you find you might want to look at our systems please give us a chance to show them to you. I am sorry for talking so much but i want to make sure you know we want to help you stay on the water not to say we are the only game in town. Good luck and stay charged. Jim Payne President of Retrotec Inc

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