Wow, that’s awesome! What a great fish. Would love to hear that story

Posts: 12
Wow, that’s awesome! What a great fish. Would love to hear that story
Well hot dang, lets see em’ (when in season)!
I just referenced the spring as I accidentally caught mine in the spring on a 1/4 ounce jig and plastic fishing for eyes. Figured others would have the same outcome fishing for the spring eyes at the Y. Clearly, I need to read up on the regs for these giants, as I may actually target them for some C and R.
Thanks again all. Now, if any of you catch one of any size this spring i’d love to see the photo posted up on the thread here. Proper holding technique and all
It was most certainly a really amazing catch. One I’ll never forget and the story is still told by father in law to this day every chance he gets (he was driving the boat). I caught it on 8lb test with a 1500 size real and a medium light rod. Not to mention some damn fine chase driving by the father in law. Got really really lucky. Thanks for the words fellas. I really don’t show many people the picture as I’m so embarrassed by how I handled the fish. Killed me to see it up here to be honest. Had to respond to a really old post after my wife found it by accident. We didn’t have a tape measure or large enough anything to handle it. I sent it to the sturgeon fishery for the state of MN to see if they could estimate its age and weight based on my size. They were the ones who educated me on how bad my hold was to the fish. They estimated the fish to be a female based it’s size and girth. After they told be what they believed it weighed I felt even worse for the hold. Not even gonna mention it. I do very much know now, if I ever get that lucky again I’ll never do what I did. Even on the smaller ones. I do hope others learn from it as ya’ll have mentioned.
I caught this fish. Didn’t realize I also made an ido topic as well. Admittedly I had no idea how to hold one, I had never caught one before then and also was not targeting them. I have since learned this is a huge no-no. I feel bad that this picture has gained such negative notoriety and has also likely given others a negative view of how to handle these fish. Honest mistake I’ve learned from. What I will feel most bad about is if the fish did indeed succumb to the way I had held it. But I can say as I was cradling it on the side of the boat upon the release I had looked it over really well as I felt I had done something wrong. It’s gills were not folded over or ripped apart like the photos above show. Doesn’t mean much. But maybe it means something.
Saug-eye, I heard about that. I’m glad to hear everyone was ok. We were out until 11 pm or so and hadn’t heard or seen anything. There were still quite a few folks out though. Mostly people walking out and around. Few vehicles out though still as well. Scary stuff.
Thanks for taking the time to share some local advice and knowledge Matt.
We did! No luck, but we had a blast. Ended up walking out from bay port. Had some bobbers go down but no hook ups. Great body of water and excited to get back out. I appreciate the info and reaching out. Fished out in 28 fow. Has suspended fish coming through and bottom. Lots of activity down there!
Thank you for the info Matt. And you bet was going to try and go look at access when the boys go down for naps this afternoon. Bay port looks to have a little closer walking from access to fishing spots?
Thank you saugeye. Was thinking ferry landing boat launch for walking out. Would be a bit of a walk up to those spots marked but not awful. Won’t have the atv with me so kinda limited. I was also looking south of ferry landing Infront of the lake that’s damned up. Some food structure off some shallow flats from what it seems? Any recommendations you would have?