I bought a metal briefcase type toolbox at Menards that has foam inside that can be cut/pulled out to fit your locator. I was able to put an LCX17 and a 107DF in it with the RAM mounts. I only paid about $20 for it.
Years ago I purchased an old canoe and took a 2X4, drilled down thru the 2″ side and thru the gunnel. Then used carriage down thru the top and wing nuts under the gunnel.
I had two batteries hooked up on my old boat. You want to put a switch on it or only run one battery at a time. When I had them hooked together, it melted the fuse holder because the current didn’t drop off for a long time. I bought a switch at West Marine that you could run either battery or both when they started losing the charge and it worked out very good. Go to west marine and look up part # 3831419 this is a similar switch I used.