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  • slowpoke
    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Li Time does make a 140 Ah starting battery but that battery is $600.

    That’s the one I purchased on Black Friday for $400. At the time it was the only one they had that was rated for starting! The other one’s all said not to use for a starter batt because they can’t supply the CCA! It is a heated model so you can charge below 32 deg ambient temp! I am installing that and 2 Weise 100 AH group 31 today! I am running all of my electronics including a Helix 9 and a Garmin 106 with a 93sv networked to livescope off of the starter batt! I have a friend that rigged the same way for the last 2 years with zero issues! All 3 are group 31 and they weigh less than half of what my 31 lead acids weigh.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I just removed mine last week! Tried my heat gun…nothing. I used acetone. I put a small amount on a paper towel and gently rubbed the adhesive. It took it right off. I used an abundance of caution because I was worried about damage to the paint. Couldn’t see any at all. My boat is a Lund Pro V. Not sure what it would do to the gel coat on a glass boat though!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    If what Joe said doesn’t work, my guess would be what Matt said. You most likely have a bad wire that will show power until you put a load on it. Either the connections at the other end are not making good contact or the actual wire is broken inside! Good Luck!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    The aisles need to be small so they still have room for those dusty aisles of tractor parts and horse stuff, or whatever, that nobody has ever bought there

    I used to buy stuff from those isles. Until they put someone in charge of that department who doesn’t know a section guard on a haybine from an electric coffee maker. If I’m replacing parts on a piece of machinery, I want to replace ALL of them not just ONE. And then hear—we can order them and have them next week. Guess what….so can I. It used to be a great store before it was sold. Now they have so much stuff that nobody wants.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    March 1, 2025 at 11:51 am#2320907
    WTH can Trump pardon him for? He isn’t on the board of the baseball hall of fame. Even the commissioner can’t pardon him.
    Seems right up Trumps alley to idolize someone who broke the rules. Not surprising from someone who thinks Putin is a good guy.

    What a joke and waste of time. Let’s focus on the real issues facing our country because there’s a lot of them.

    I don’t believe I’ve ever read anything that you have posted on this site that was on a positive note!!! If Matt wants to start a thread about Charlie Hustle that’s his right!! This site is a good distraction for many of us from what IS going on in this world. Doesn’t mean we don’t care! Should we stop talking about fishing too??

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Haven’t been out lately but the ice is in good condition. Bring at least one auger extension and some lakes are close to needing 2 ext. Minimal snow cover. They were pulling tandem Ice Castles around yesterday and we had 0 deg this morning. Should be good to go! Good Luck fishing!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    No to both. The way it’s been for eons has seemed to work pretty well! Enforcement is a State matter and not a county one. Besides too many cooks spoil the soup so to speak! Try to get multiple sheriffs to coordinate things at the same time will be a disaster! One Commander is all that is needed. These bills are a waste of time and money!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    How can he be charged with carrying a firearm without a permit? A BB gun is NOT a firearm and a permit is NOT required to purchase one!!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    IMHO it’s a huge waste of taxpayer $$$$ I have NEVER truly had an inspection in MN. Most of the “inspectors” are college kids or elderly. The kids set up their lawn chair in the shade and do their homework or read a book. The elderly are just happy to have someone to talk to. Not once have I had an inspection. They ask what was the last lake you were at and write down your lic #. Now when we go to Montana there is a mandatory inspection at the truck scale on I-94. 2 people come out and really go through everything. They check anchors and ropes, physically get inside the boat and look at live and baitwells, landing nets etc. They go underneath the boat and look for ANYTHING. We always get compliments on how clean our boats are. They do a complete inspection and it takes 20 min to 1/2 hr. Then they put a seal between the winch and the boat so the inspectors at the lake know its already inspected and hasn’t yet been in the water! Way more scrutiny, but they told us it hasn’t come close to stopping AIS.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    The same guidebook notes that adult gray wolves are about twice as tall and can be three times the weight of adult coyotes, but the animals have similar shapes and coloring.

    Still, the hunting and trapping regulations state, “Shooting a wolf because you think it is a coyote is illegal and punishable by Minnesota game and fish laws.”

    The DNR estimated in 2021 that there were roughly 2,770 wolves in Minnesota.

    Young of the year wolves are very easily mistaken for adult coyotes at longer distances… depending on when they were born and what time of the year it is. Especially by inexperienced hunters! There is NO mistaking an adult wolf, You can tell at first glance!
    A now retired CO told me B4 they went back on the list that if they were near my livestock I had every right to shoot them and I had 48 hours to call him after I killed one! They are WAY too plentiful in Mn. We see them here on a regular basis. Not to mention their tracks in the snow and very few deer tracks. The fact that tree huggers can run to any liberal judge to further their agenda is bogus. We have way more wolves than say Montana and they get a season on them! How is that fair or better yet scientific?? They are not endangered whatsoever. There are tens of thousands in Canada and Alaska!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    According to the DNR, as of Feb. 10, 2022, gray wolves are once again a federally protected threatened species, and under current federal guidelines, wolves may only be taken in defense of human life.

    My livestock and my dogs all identify as Human!!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I have a family member who works at Lund. He buys a new boat on the company employee plan every 2 years. The boat before his current one was a Pro V. This time around he went with the Impact because of it having more usable floor space. He also said the impact and pro v hulls are now the same.! A friend bought an 1875 last year. I fished in it with 3 of us in the boat. I’ll take my 1800 pro v any day over his 1875 with a LOT less floor space than my 1800.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I forgot a couple of things If you have room. We take a popup hunting blind and set it over the toilet. A little bug spray inside and it makes it a LOT more pleasant than not having it. Also a coffee can to keep your TP so the red squirrels don’t rip it to shreds! Good Luck

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    We do between 3 & 5 trips to Namakan every year. If I were you I’d bite the bullet and buy a small reliable generator for charging. We also take along a corded florescent trouble lite. It works well for cleaning fish and when cooking in the dark. We take a light weight screen tent for bugs and when it rains. Bring a fish cleaning board if you plan on cleaning fish… some people clean directly on the bear lockers and don’t wash them off!! Take note of the laws on cleaning fish from a lake that has a slot limit in the law book. The CO’s do enforce that rule! Also boat bumpers, most sites now have docks. The ones that don’t have sandy beaches. Were we usually stay is 15 mi from the access. There are lots of sites within a few miles of the visitor center, but then there’s a LOT more traffic also. The only extra gas we bring is for the generator as we have 40+ gallon fuel tank. Like Ron said the small gas can in the boat is really good idea. You can go to to open an acct. and make reservations. It’s a requirement to get a site. The website is kinda hard to navigate till you get used to it. Just remember to leave minimal trace. Leave the campsite spotless even if the people before you left a mess. We have cleaned up after some real slobs. Most people clean up after themselves though!! It’s a truly awesome experience. Be safe and enjoy!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    #1 priority on Lac Suel is to have a really good insurance policy. The lake would have cost me $4000+ if I didn’t. Odds are way above avg. for hitting big rocks!!! The fishing is great but I lost interest after that incident!! Good Luck!!!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I have both in my Pro V. The carpet snaps in. I never take it out except to pressure wash it and dry it. If you don’t believe vinyl is slippery… go up to Rainy River in March! I’ll keep my carpet.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Same reason Lunds come with an Merc and Alumacraft and skeeter come with Yamahas.

    Lunds and Crestliner come with Mercs because they are all owned by Brunswick!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Jeff Oakland – Oakland Boat Repair, New York Mills Mn 218 385 2783

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I guess I won’t be buying any of their rods again.

    I’ve only had to deal with them on 2 occasions and both were handled quickly. They were VERY courteous. I wouldn’t consider any other rods at all!!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    What kind of bumpers do you use? I’ve done the same thing and never had any problems with my Pro V. I always snug it up tight so the bumpers doesn’t slam into the dock or the boat!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    You should have confronted them and actually told them to stay off your land. Whether posted or not if they come back it is a gross misdemeanor according to our CO. I had a problem with a neighbor who thought my agricultural land was ok for him to use as his own. I left no doubt in his mind what my feelings were of him disregarding the trespass law! Told the CO about it after the fact. He said once he was warned if he does it again it is a gross misdemeanor and he would lose his hunting rights for 3 yrs. Normally wouldn’t bother with a neighbor, but this guy has no regard for safety or etiquette.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I’ve had my petite grand daughters shooting my .45. The recoil isn’t the thing that they didn’t like, it was the bark that initially scared them. Once they got over that they had a blast plinking! If you are worried about recoil, I would go with a .380 or a 9mm… ammo is readily available, fairly reasonable and way more stopping power than a .22 or .22 WMR

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I believe if it’s on the list and you select it, the HD map will be shown. Somebody correct me if I’m wrong.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    I had a 2016 80# Terrova and the spot lock worked fine. Then I updated the software and it started the wander syndrome. I called Johnson to see if there was any way to undo the update. Nope. Needless to say I sold that one and bought the 2018 blue tooth 80#.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    If you can’t find one and you still have the pieces, somebody with a 3d printer could make one! I would just make one out of a piece of tin and paint it black. 10 minutes tops!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Are they still making boats with wood in them?! Lund, Crestliner, Alumcraft, still have wood?

    Lund and Crestliner are all composite.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Easy fix. Mark the wires so you know where they go. Cut the plug off and crimp on the small spade connectors. Plug it in and done.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Not sure what the states can do. They are under Federal Authority laws of the Migratory Bird Act! Dealing with the Feds will take decades!!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    All the carriers HATE Mondays! They get a double load of mail that day because of the day off on Sunday or a Holiday. The mail still gets delivered to the regional offices on those days. Eliminating Saturdays would make it even worse!! The most senior carriers most often have Monday off for that reason. Other carriers have T, W, Th or F off. The only ones that get a 2 day wknd have Monday or Sat. off!

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 268

    Sounds good. And will it be necessary to re install the 2D sonar if I just want to pick up depth while moving at speed or will the MSI ducer be able to do that? I’m getting mixed reports everywhere I look.

    You will need the 2d ducer also. Make sure it is mounted HIGHER (to the right) of the SI ducer or it will interfere with side imaging. The bottom of the 2d must be higher than the top of the SI.

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