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  • slough
    Posts: 635

    I’m in the same boat as most here, I don’t see a ton of promise on the roster. Pitching staff should be ok if they stay healthy. Would be nice to see Wallner really blossom but we’ll see. Hard to put much faith in Lewis, Buxton, Correa. But, the division should be pretty bad again so who knows.

    Posts: 635

    Cabelas/BP has Helix G4 MSI 10″ for 1199 and 9″ for 999. Those are pretty solid deals. It appears that includes the transducers but double check. Guessing Scheels would match that too.

    As far as the G2 models, they’ll be fine but you’re probably dealing with a little slower processor plus a unit that is probably 5 years old. Personally I wouldn’t pay more than 500 for a 10.”

    As far as updates, I’ve never noticed any differences when I update my helixes. I’m sure they have their benefits, just not for any features I use.

    Posts: 635

    I doubt it will drop the demand much.

    Posts: 635

    Much of my extended family smoked when I was growing up in the 90s, most fortunately quit eventually. I don’t really know anyone who smokes anymore and none of my work or recreation activities really put me around smokers. It’s almost jarring when I smell smoke anymore, so hard to believe we used to eat in restaurants with it, not to mention the bars when I was in college…yuck!

    Posts: 635

    Glad to see this finally posted (I think I submitted it on Sunday morning laugh ).

    After more searching I was kinda thinking what Bman posted also due to the height issue.

    And yeah, the block of wood sort of works but figured this would be a good upgrade for $35.

    Thanks everyone!

    Posts: 635

    Also, all a kid has to do is say they didn’t bring it today or that they left it somewhere or let their friend borrow it, all the while it’s in their pocket or backpack. What’s a teacher/staff member gonna do, pat them down? Make them walk thru phone detector devices? Wand them down with a cellphone wand?

    Just too tough to enforce for government and schools IMO.

    Teacher here as well. Have tried the phone caddy thing (my high school says phones should be put away during class but no real teeth and many teachers don’t follow) and it’s a hassle. 75% of kids are good about it but you get the ones who are always trying to get around it and as a teacher it becomes a pain in the rear to police and I’d rather worry about teaching than be a cell phone cop. The schools I’ve heard of “banning” them seem to have positive reports, often times kids even report that they enjoy feeling free from them. Appalling how many parents text/IG their kids all day long while they’re at school. Sad how many kids don’t even talk to any peers at school, just play on their phone every free second.
    I teach upper level science classes and it is sad to see how many kids who “struggle” or say a class is “too hard” or that a teacher isn’t good spend every free second mindlessly staring at their phone and I don’t think really ever study. Mind you, plenty of kids still do work hard and do what they need to do well. So many kids rush through the work so they can get back to playing on their phone “well I’m done with my work” and you look at the work they’ve done and it’s total garbage. That’s my biggest beef with the phones, no attention span and attention to detail on their learning. And yes, the amount of phone/social media drama our administrators have to deal with is disgusting. Plenty of research out there that anxiety and depression are way up in kids since smartphones came about. I can’t imagine if I would have had one of those things in my hands 24 hours a day when I was 13.

    Posts: 635

    I just dumped some minnows that I’ve had since a week before Christmas sitting in a gallon bucket in my garage that I keep around 45*. No aerator or anything, just changed the water maybe every 10 days. I probably started with 5 dozen and lost about a dozen over that time. Unless you’re really keeping minnows a long time or a huge quantity, I really don’t think much is needed other than keeping them cold. These were fatheads which I’m sure are a little more hardy than shiners.

    Posts: 635

    Seems like Wisconsin and Iowa keep their talent in state. When is the last time a big time recruit stayed here? Maybe Kris Humphrey?

    Most Big Ten schools aren’t going to keep 5 star recruits in state for basketball, but you’d think you’d luck out on a couple 3 or 4 stars developing into well above average players, which I think is what Iowa and Wisconsin have done. It’s not like you need 30 very good players like in football to compete with the better teams. I count one above .500 season in the Big Ten for MN in the last 20 years, kinda sad.

    Posts: 635

    Very true on the mediocrity, and it is odd that Iowa and Wisconsin are in the top 20 almost every year and the Gophers usually struggle to be in the top 10 of the Big 10.

    Posts: 635

    Haven’t bought one but have looked into them and would strongly consider it on my next purchase. Flood ford, Ziegler and Granger all seem to have good reviews on various vehicle or ford forums.

    Posts: 635

    But, did they catch anything?

    Posts: 635

    Watching a ice fishing show with Marcus Quam in South Dakota. He has a Sno-Bear he drives around in. Seems like the ideal thing if you’re guiding or live on a lake. He has more screens in there than some sports bars.

    Not my cup-o-tea but I can see where clients would like it.

    Only about a $100k rig…definitely sweet though.

    Posts: 635

    That’s pretty awesome. For ~$100/yr that seems like something I should look into, although it looks like a lot of things could be denied. I’ve been pretty lucky with owning labs for over 15 years and have only had a couple times where they’ve needed stitches due to barbed wire but I know accidents can get silly expensive in a hurry. Probably jinxed it now doah

    Posts: 635

    Definitely difficult to get my hopes up much for the Twins this coming season. Starting pitching should be decent with Pablo, Ober and Ryan…not too sure of much else with no first baseman and our best 3 players being very injury prone.

    Posts: 635

    I’m not sure if perch eyes are legal in ND…I seem to remember Jason Mitchell getting in a little trouble for promoting them as a bait. But maybe they have changed that regulation.

    You could easily pick up minnows in Fargo or Jamestown along the way.

    Posts: 635

    Brown 1 lb of hamburger with half cup of onion. Melt 1 lb. velveeta and .5 lb colby with a can of evaporated milk. Mix in hamburger/onion, jar of pace picante hot sauce, can of chopped green chiles. Voila.

    Posts: 635

    Not much experience with permanent houses but was out on a lake about a week ago and a permanent house had all kinds of water coming up around it, luckily the guys were there and pulled it out. Would have been a complete mess if they wouldn’t have gotten there til a couple days later I’d think. I imagine most guys block up their houses if they leave them on ice?

    Posts: 635

    Well aware of how the late season game works, just was musing that the public land opportunities in SD must be pretty decent with the number of people that seem to go.
    As for licensing, I’d be curious how many NR upland/waterfowl hunters MN gets.
    I believe SD is over 80,000 just for pheasants. Seems everyone goes to the Dakotas but I suppose enough people visit family in MN and buy a license too. As for fishing, ND’s NR license is $53 so basically the same as MN.

    Posts: 635

    I’ve never hunted SD but the 10 AM thing does seem a little odd. I could see it for the first month or so, lots of people out and ‘protect’ the birds as they move around early in the day, get people into cafes (and out later in the bars lol ).
    SD public land must be pretty decent for the number of people that seem to go there. I’m in ND and I know if I hunted exclusively public this time of year it’d be a very tough go to get birds. Also, I saw a meeting in which the game and fish said our license costs will be going up as well, so we’ll be similar to SD.

    Posts: 635

    I’ve got two Marcum Brute batteries that came with a charger. They were on sale when I got them and were very reasonable. Love the run time

    I’ve had a couple of these for 3-4 years and they seem solid. I think they might have been discontinued but Reed’s has them for $79 w/charger.

    Posts: 635

    Definitely not good for business when’s there’s 3 or 4 teams that buy all the best players and other 26 are left hoping for a flash in the pan before their stars hit free agency. It’s becoming like the Gophers trying to compete for national championships in football, it just really isn’t possible.

    Side note, I saw an article today that said the Twins would listen to trade offers for Correa.

    Posts: 635

    Amazon has them.

    Posts: 635

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dan wrote:</div>
    I started using a Scheels card and slowed down using that after they would not honor price match policy 3 times. Scheels price match policy is a joke.

    What were Scheel’s reasons for not price matching? I’ve never had a problem.

    I’ve mostly had no issues at Scheels but I did have it happen a couple weeks ago where I tried to price match an item from Amazon and they wouldn’t do it as it was sold by a third party, not directly through Amazon. So I just bought it off Amazon for the cheaper price.

    Posts: 635

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>slough wrote:</div>
    Started hunting as a teen in the late 90s there were areas in ND you couldn’t shoot Canadas and I think the limit in parts of MN was 1 at that time. Hard to believe any more.

    Yep, 1 per day was the limit where I hunted in MN. It changed a few years later. Hrbek was at a farm outside of Hutchinson the day of game 7 (I think) of the world season goose hunting. $1200 a gun they were charged is what I am told. Can you imagine in today’s dollars?

    That’s pretty wild if true, that’s probably what $5000 in today’s dollars? Note even the luxury lodges are close to that for bird hunting per day.

    Posts: 635

    I don’t think it was expected that Dillingham would be a big contributor right away, if even this season, especially now that they got Divincenzo.

    Posts: 635

    Certainly no guarantee that the new owners will spend more. Nor does it guarantee success – the Rockies, Mariners, Dbacks, White Sox and Angels are routinely ahead of us on spending. Can’t imagine no matter who buys the team that we’ll ever (unless baseball adopts some sort of salary cap, which is unlikely) approach being a top 10 payroll that just spends its way out of slumps.

    All that aside, certainly not sad to see the Pohlads go.

    Posts: 635

    Hopefully the new owners do not try to move the team. I respect the Pohlads for trying to keep them in Minnesota. Besides that, they didn’t spend enough money to field a championship team in the 21st century. Our best chance was 2023 and we never built off of it.

    Didn’t Carl sort of go along with the idea of contracting the team about 20 years ago?

    Posts: 635

    The Ray’s fans should be cheering Milton with that free stadium upgrade, no tax required.

    Tampa already had a new stadium in the works that was supposed to begin construction this winter. From a press release this summer: Last September, the Rays reached an agreement with the city of St. Petersburg and Pinellas County to build a new $1.3 billion ballpark on the Tropicana Field site as part of the long-term redevelopment of the Historic Gas Plant District.

    Posts: 635

    No firsthand knowledge but how much weight would that remove? 50-75? Doesn’t seem like it would make a big difference.

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