I still haven’t been able to figure out why anyone would go with the Vex in this match up. What am I missing? Seems to me the Helix can do everything the vex can and even more. I really like the history of the graph.
Previously I have heard others complain about the screws for their hub. I own a Otter hub and the screws seem to go in fairly easily by hand. A drill speeds up the process but not needed. I can’t say that I ever heard any one complain about a Otter screw…..
I’ve seen your other posts and I do wonder if you are over thinking all this. I believe someone earlier mentioned the Kenai which weighs 50lbs. By the time you account for a sled, that shelter/tarp and a seat you are at the same weight in all reality but not nearly as easy to setup to do true run and gun fishing. Seems like you are overthinking this but I’m all for thinking out of the box.
Like everyone else has said you definitely can’t go wrong with this unit. Honestly, beyond the super high end live scope type sonar I don’t know how anything else can really compete.
I’ve had trouble with my Lowrance Hook2 recently which may just be that unit or not enough fiddling but it does give me pause as I consider other options.