That’s such a simple explanation that it actually makes sense! The owners manual for the GPS basically tells you nothing as far as what the difference in them is and well, in general conversation a “route” and a “trail” could be used as the same so that’s where my confusion came from.
So then to take it a step further, I’d imagine I can clear my GPS, have it tracing my “trail” and once happy I should be able to save that “trail” as a “route” and then in the future I can navigate that “route”… If that makes sense? That’s basically exactly what I’m looking to do.
I’m definitely not using this GPS like you would your average city navigation GPS. This GPS is used actually out in the desert for playing on rural dirt roads. It’s just up till now, I’ve been doing all my scouting ahead of time on google earth, creating my “route” and uploading it to the GPS. Instead I’d like to just go explore and when I drive a section I like save it for future reference.
Also, it’s the same GPS we use in our race truck and we’ve been trying to do some fuel mileage calculations and I’m hoping I can basically record what I’ve driven during testing and then pull up the distance traveled from that run so I can calculate fuel mileage needs.
Anyways, thanks for the description! I think I’m on the right path for what I’m looking to do, just need to learn the logistics of how to better use the GPS functions to get there.