Let’s resurface this post a year from now.
It’s funny how folks suddenly get interested in investing after the markets form a bubble. They don’t want to miss out, hop-in, and pump the bubble up even more. These are the same folks that are gonna get hurt when the markets drop back down to where they should be. They’ll then complain about how the market is rigged.
Being disciplined by living frugally, getting debt free, saving $, and paying your dues over the long haul by consistently investing in Roth 401k, Roth IRA & HSA accts is the path to financial independence for the average chump.
If you think you can to trade individual stocks and beat the market, good luck. You can read all the books you want on technical analysis, etc, etc, and it still probably ain’t gonna happen. Mutual funds hire the best stock pickers in the world and they are lucky to beat the S & P. Broad index & mutual funds are the way to go over the long haul.
Depending on anything outside of your own savings like a company pension and/or the government is not a good idea either.
Sorry to come across as bit negative here. I’m just trying to be a realist.