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  • shale
    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    So forget all that you see

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Tom Hicks in Ashland, WI is a solid choice.

    He guides for Lakers both summer and winter and has a good bead on them. His boat is kept in a marina between Washburn and Bayfield. The Washburn Inn and Red Cliff Casino are good places to stay. Also, When your not fishing, you can enjoy the Apostle islands or give some money to the res. If 9 is too many for his boat, he probably works with another charter to split the group and fish the same areas.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    I present to you LaCrocsse.
    Do you need footwear to take the dog out to the bathroom and the garbage out to the dumpster, as well as fashionable enough to stroll the beach in wintertime? Crocs and Lacrosse teamed up to bring you the Alpha Burly pro 1600 LaCrocsse.

    Put a bead of 3M 5200 on top to finish them off.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Hey guys, the FW is getting a new ride this year. Her 2014 RT Caravan has been an incredibly reliable ride for the last 185,000 (and still going).

    She is finishing up her master’s degree and I told her she could get anything she wants for all of her hard work.

    We’re open to ideas, and she wants a mid-size SUV. Right now she’s interested in the VW Atlas and the Toyota 4-runner. She also likes Jeeps but I’m only lukewarm on that idea.

    I see the Atlas is slightly bigger, is AWD instead of 4wd, and is made in the US. The 4-runner is 4wd and made in Japan.

    The Atlas has a 4 year 50,000 mile warranty, the 4runner has a 3 year 36,000.

    She had a VW Tiguan before the minivan and we had zero issues with it in the 2-3 years we had it.

    What else should we be looking at?

    It will be pretty much strictly a commuter/daily driver with no towing anticipated.

    I’d recommend putting liability insurance on the 2014 RT Caravan and drive it until the wheels fall off.

    Invest the $40,000 & $100/month full coverage insurance that would be paying for a new car in a S&P 500 index fund, then let it cook for 10 years.

    In my opinion, that’s how you get ahead.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    This bail-out is a band-aid on the real student loan problem.

    Any fisherman with a boat has the solution to the student loan problem. It as simple as answering this simple question/analogy.

    Q: If you have a hole in your boat do you?
    1) Fix the root cause & patch the hole
    2) Let the boat leak & fill up. Hope someone shows up to save you.
    3) Let the boat leak & bail-out the incoming the water forever

    A: Any logical person will choose answer #1.

    This similar questions to the govt for the student loan crisis.
    Q: If you have a student loan debt crisis do you?
    1) Fix the root cause and tighten student loan lending standards
    2) Continue to lend to anyone. Let student loan debt grow to infinity & hope it gets paid back.
    3) Continue to lend to anyone. Bail-out student loan borrowers forever.

    A: Any logical person will choose answer #1. The govt has chosen option #3 & and has mentioned nothing about #1.

    What new message does this send to a student? Borrow money to pay for school. It’s the easiest path forward & the govt (aka taxpayers) may pay it off.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    No. Borrowers who received student loans after June 30,2022 are not eligible for debt relief.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Who qualifies for loan cancellation?
    Individuals who are single and earn under $125,000 will qualify for the $10,000 in debt cancellation. If you’re married and file your taxes jointly or are a head of household, you qualify if your income is under $250,000.

    Eligibility will be based on your adjusted gross income. Income figures from either 2020 or 2021 can render you eligible, but 2022 income will not.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    I predict 10%+ on a 30 year fixed mortgage interest rate in the next year. Others thoughts?

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Real estate prices & the stock market are in a bubble. Every bubble deflates and history repeats itself. Our current situation is no different.

    Here’s an article describing the last time we had inflation like this:

    From an investor perspective, the good news is that we are heading towards reasonably priced real estate and stock markets. Bad news is there’s a lot of hurt still to come.

    The suckers who poured big money into the stock market bubble over the past couple years “trying to get on the bandwagon” probably still have time to get out. The S&P and NASDAQ indexes are still way overvalued when compared to long term averages. My guess is they will go down another 10%-20% (probably more) when the economy goes into recession from inflation/high energy prices.

    The Fed used all their ammo to over inflate the bubbles and are now stuck raising interest rates to curb inflation into a declining economy. There fk’d. A recession is the only way to bring the stock and housing markets back to averages.

    Everyday food and living expenses are here to stay and will only go up.

    Like Dave Ramsey says, my advice is what you paid or it :).

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Now seems like a good time to resurface this post. The good news is that we are heading towards “investable” markets once again. Bad news is there’s a lot of hurt still to come.

    The suckers who bought into the stock market bubble still probably have time to get out. The S&P and NASDAQ indexes are still way overvalued when compared to long term averages. My guess is they will go down another 20% (probably more) when the economy goes into recession from inflation/high energy price combo.

    The Fed used all their ammo to over inflate the bubble and will now be stuck raising interest rates into a declining economy.

    IMO – positive time for investors since we may see some bargains once again.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Putin is no dummy:

    It’s the perfect time to take the Ukraine:
    o US has no leadership
    o Covid has KO’d or staggered most of the “lazy” developed countries (ex: EU & US)
    o US increased dependency on Russia oil
    o We sends Kamala Harris to drive the bus

    Puttin’s gotta be laughing.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    My wife and I follow the Dave Ramsey plan and have been debt free for ~7 years. We live a minimalistic lifestyle, drive used cars with only liability insurance, and still live in our starter home. Not “Keeping up with the Joneses” is probably the most annoying part. To be honest, I don’t really give a shxt though.

    The fun part is when you start seeing results of investing money that would have gone toward your mortgage, a couple car payments, etc. Putting these in an investment calculator usually opens folks eyes.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    I had similar issues with my 2005 Silverado. Re-calibrating the climate control system fixed it.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Let’s resurface this post a year from now.

    It’s funny how folks suddenly get interested in investing after the markets form a bubble. They don’t want to miss out, hop-in, and pump the bubble up even more. These are the same folks that are gonna get hurt when the markets drop back down to where they should be. They’ll then complain about how the market is rigged.

    Being disciplined by living frugally, getting debt free, saving $, and paying your dues over the long haul by consistently investing in Roth 401k, Roth IRA & HSA accts is the path to financial independence for the average chump.

    If you think you can to trade individual stocks and beat the market, good luck. You can read all the books you want on technical analysis, etc, etc, and it still probably ain’t gonna happen. Mutual funds hire the best stock pickers in the world and they are lucky to beat the S & P. Broad index & mutual funds are the way to go over the long haul.

    Depending on anything outside of your own savings like a company pension and/or the government is not a good idea either.

    Sorry to come across as bit negative here. I’m just trying to be a realist.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    For those close to retirement, what are some things you wish you did differently at a young age?

    I’m only 29… lots of time to take advantage of compounding interest. We do have a financial planner as well, and I believe we are off to a better start than most people our age…

    A few things I’d do:
    o start listening to Dave Ramsey podcasts
    o become knowledgeable in financial planning
    o get good with spreadsheets so that you can track & plan your finances, net worth, etc
    o get out of debt and payoff your house ASAP
    o don’t worry about keeping up with your friends and neighbors
    o buy reliable used cars (ex. Corolla or Civic)
    o buy a decent used boat and drive it till the transom falls off
    o save as much as you can for retirement (max roths and HSAs)
    o start a 529 plan for your kids

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    The heaviest navy anchor you can reasonably throw over the side of your boat.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    1994 Toyota Camry 296,000
    2005 Chevy Silverado 130,000
    2009 Toyota Corolla 140,000
    The Camry is awesome and I’m hoping she’ll see 400k.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    1994 Toyota Camry 296,000
    2005 Chevy Silverado 130,000
    2009 Toyota Corolla 140,000
    The Camry is awesome and I’m hoping she’ll see 400k.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Hmm. Nobody can reasonably predict what will get you a better return.

    Putting it in a 529 college savings plan invested in mutual funds is a good option. A growth mutual fund will average ~10%/year and a 529 will keep the government hands off any gains. If they graduate college debt free they can buy their own land :).

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    I’ll bet it was a buffalo. Asian carp are filter feeders so it would have been snagged.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109


    This guy did some major work for me a few years back. He and his crew did great work.

    (651) 734-1119
    Tom Christ

    Buzzsaw – looked for you in bldg 224 today but couldn’t find you.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    Dieringer and Ness in the final. WI vs MN. Power vs spaz. I’m guessing Ness wins by pin after one of his goofy scrambles.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109


    1,362.49 = ????

    Cost of a fishing license in 10 years when the Govt ramps up money printing to pay US debt

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    2013 Ham Room Invitational Results

    23 teams competed

    9 teams weighed fish

    Place/Team……………………………Weight#…..Big Fish

    1.Scott Hale/Dave Kortum…………..17.40

    2.Dave Hale/Dean Fisher…………….17.32

    3.Judd Genereaux/Brad Strandlund..15.66

    4.Kris Klund/Mark Johnson…………..10.52

    5.Kenny Lungren/Todd Jerry………….9.26………..9.26

    6.Trevor Lundgreg/Chad Frieberg……6.78

    7.Jim Brugler/Ryan Goulette………….6.08

    8.Dave Farr/Mike Johnson…………….5.92

    9.Chad Bleeker/Carl Stayberg………..2.44

    10.Matt Ernst/Mark Hedin

    10.Sean Albiston/Brian Perkins

    10.Mike Luett/Dave Sager

    10.Jesse Krook/Michael Hatter

    10.Gregg Wollner/John Gornick

    10.Andy Dombrovski/Matt Decorey

    10.Darren Swagger/Tony Junker

    10.Chris Kopel/Josh Wahlquist

    10.John Fassbinder/Bill Wanner

    10.Jeremy Stoner/Andy Nichols

    10.Billy Olson/Aaron Wells

    10.Kirk Klund/Kraig Klund

    10.Mike Miller/Scott Gehrman

    10.Russ Pechan/Wayne Crosby

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    If it’s legitimate:

    Probably a new tax payer funded regulation to close some kind of loophole. You might be collateral damage.

    Wasting your time and tax payer dollars. Maybe another example of new regulations are wasting money and taking out jobs (ex: fishing guides on Mississippi and Croix waterways requiring a coast guard captain license).

    Good luck!

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    My crystal ball: Wealthy folks will run gas motors cause they’ll be fast. We’ll have a very global economy, a good part of the wealthy folks will have been born OUS. Electric motors or nat gas for typical folks. Normal boat speeds will drop in a big way compared to today. We’ll figure out that nuclear is the only sustainable fuel source. Fish finding technology will get exponentially better.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    The driver gave up way too soon

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