No matter which type of broadhead you decide to hunt with, you need to practice with them. I used to shoot broadheads all summer long and was tired of wrecking target after target. The best thing that I have discovered and works great for me is to braodhead tune my bow. I do this by first shooting an arrow with a broadhead then shooting one with a field point. If the broadhead hits low and to the left of the field point, I move my rest up and to the right in very small increments (bring the broadhead to the field point). Shoot them again and repeat adjustments if necessary. Don’t worry about your sight pins until you have both arrows impacting together. Once I have them grouping together, I go back to shooting just field points and adjust my sight as needed. Then before season, I shoot my broadheads to double check to make sure my setup is still good. Hope this helps and good luck.