It’s time for me chine in. Up until 3 weeks ago I have spent the last 20 years , aligning, straightening repairing and replacing just about anything that you could imagine, REPLACING THE AXLE IS NOT A CURE ALL TO TIRE WEAR, axle manufactures have a very broad spectrum to which they use to call an axle “straight”. That does not mean it will not wear tires, Your best option in my opinion is to take it a reputable frame or alignment shop and have them straighten what you have, that way they can make sure that the Toe in, Camber and Tracking are all correct, It may cost a little bit of money approx $125 per axle but it is well worth it. Factor this into it. The cost of fuel(a proper alignment will give you a trailer that tows easier), the cost of tires and the cost of your time. Less time on the side of the road changing flats
, fixing bearing that cupped tires destroyed and more LAKE TIME
Happy traveling hope this helps, feel free to ask more questions if you have them.